nine "take care.."

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{nari's POV}

"who's the one.. who makes you truly happy?"

i felt my heart drop so low.. that was the same question she asked me that day and it caused our friendship to have tension.

i stared at the floor, feeling minji pull away from me with her hands still holding my arms, as she looked at me for an answer too.

"minji.." my voice barely managed to get out from my throat.

"you're lying.." she said, not wanting to believe what i said.

"i've never seen you smile the way i make you when you're with her.. that smile during my birthday? i haven't seen that until today."

"hanni, what are you trying to say?" our eyes locked, the same sad gaze we both knew too well.

"i make you happier than she ever will."

minji went to charge at her, but i held her back by the arm and shook my head.

"you're going to let her say that to you?" i could tell she was agitated at that.

"minji-ah.." i trailed off.

"i trust your words more than hers, nari-ah."

"you make me happier." i looked at minji with sincerity in my eyes.

"that's a relief." she gave me a small smile.

"what about me, hwang nari?"

"you make me happy, the only difference is she makes my heart happy too.."

the room fell silent, dead silent. the only thing you could hear was our breaths and snoring from the other girls.

"so.. i never made your heart beat for me?" she spoke up slowly.

"you did, hanni but after that argument? it became clear that my heart started to feel nothing around you."

i know that my words were harsh, yet they were the truth and i don't lie to her, she knows i don't.

"did your heart really feel nothing for me?"

"yes." i said bluntly.

i could tell that hurt her because of the way her face dropped and her gaze became cold.

"i don't believe you."

"you haven't believed me since."

the tension in the room was so thick that it could suffocate you. all three of us standing there, not moving an inch.

"aish, i don't know what to to do anymore." hanni rubbed her temples.

"i'll let you two talk it over." minji suggested.

she walked over to me and gave me a reassuring kiss before hugging me.

"i'm not upset at you okay? i'll be in our daughter's room, i know that she's worried."

"put her to bed, i'll be right there."

she gave me a final kiss on the forehead and then proceeded to exit out the door, carefully closing it.
when the door closed, hanni and i sighed heavily, both not knowing what else to say.

we stood there in silence for what seems like eternity.

"i don't want this to cost our friendship." she spoke up first.

"let's talk about it then."

i walked over to the edge of the bed closest to her, letting out a much needed breath as i sat down. she cautiously went to sit beside me only a few inches away. i glanced over at her and saw she was playing with her hands, so i held them in my lap and helped try to calm her nerves.

first love | minji x fem! ocWhere stories live. Discover now