two "why does my heart.."

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{nari's POV}

it was nearly the end of the day at school. everyone left to go play or go home while some stayed to finish up on their speeches for the election.

i was trying to do my papers, but i couldn't focus because there was this fly in my ear, that fly being yunjin unnie. she kept bugging me about why minji and i were holding hands.

"hwang nari. what was that about?" she whispered.

"unnie, i don't even know why she held my hand. i was going to walk in alone, but she grabbed my hand and told me to go in together." i shrugged, focusing back on my paper.

"yah," she grabbed my shoulder with a hard grip. "no one here has seen her hold hands with anybody."

"i know that unnie, that's why i was just as shocked as you guys."


i heard a deep voice say my name and a figure standing slightly in front of me.

my heart raced to the sound of it so easily.

i tilted my head up to see her holding a bandaid with some alcohol wipes, i questioned her with my eyes and she understood.

"you have a cut on your ankle and it's bleeding through your sock." she pointed to my right foot.

i quickly looked down at my foot and indeed, it was bleeding.

"ah.. i didn't notice or feel it. thank you." i smiled at her, grateful that she saw it.

i reached out to grab the bandaid, but she moved out of my reach, i looked at her with confusion and she just smiled at my expression.

"let me do it for you. is that okay?"

i was at a loss for words. why is she being so nice to me? nonetheless, i appreciated how she made sure i was comfortable before proceeding.

"that's okay with me." i reassured.

she bent down on her knee and carefully pulled down my blood drenched sock. i didn't know it was that bad, i thought it would be a minor cut.

it seemed deep and big.

suddenly, a huge rush of pain came after she patted my cut with the alcohol wipe. i gasped and gripped onto minji's sleeve hard. she paused on cleaning it, her eyes darted to me with worry. i slowly let go and apologized.

"mian.. i didn't mean to do it that hard.."

she shook her head while chuckling.

"it's okay nari-ah. you can hold my hand if it hurts too much."

her hand made its way onto mine, holding it tightly. i felt like i was in some kind of kdrama when we stared at each other as if no one else in the room existed.

sadly the staring ended when another rush of pain came. i squeezed her hand so tightly that my knuckles turned white. i closed my eyes from how much it hurt. it felt like i was being stabbed by needles in that same place nonstop.

her touch was so gentle yet it still hurts so badly.

yunjin unnie must've been concerned because she made me lean against her as she back hugged me. her arms lightly placed on top of my lap while her head was snuggled closely to mine.

i opened my eyes after i didn't feel pain anymore. i watched her place the bandaid on my cut and i couldn't help but admire her beautiful features.

'how is her face so perfectly structured?'

"nari-ah, i think we should go to the clinic for another sock."

she adjusted her posture and now she is on both knees, matching my height sitting down. this made our faces quite close while i also got off yunjin unnie to sit up properly. i noticed that i was still holding her hand, so i slowly removed it from hers and her expression seemed a little down when i did that.

first love | minji x fem! ocWhere stories live. Discover now