five "be careful.."

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{minji's POV}

it is the next morning, i still can't wrap my head around that i confessed to the girl i've fallen in love with since the first week of meeting her two years ago.

here i am now.. watching at how relaxed her state is as she slept in my arms.

'she's so beautiful.'

my hand made its way to her cheeks that her hair was covering and pushed it back behind her ear, so i can see her pretty features more. it may be cheesy, but i don't care because i like her so much that everything doesn't affect me anymore when it comes to negativity being thrown at me.

"i can finally call you mine." i whispered.

i guess she heard it, since her eyes fluttered open and she pouted at how i woke her up earlier than usual.

"good morning, baby."

naturally, my english came out which i knew that she liked to hear as she found it in quote, "so damn attractive and addictive to hear."

"baby.. hmm. that's nice to hear coming from my girlfriend." she mumbled very sleepily.

"wake up, we have to go downstairs for breakfast."

"mmm.. don't want." she whined and snuggled closer to my chest.


i was cut off when the door swung open and a tall figure jumping to us. i flinched, going to shield nari from whoever it was and the baby voice gave me the answer.

"unnie-deul!!!" her voice rang through my ears, i wasn't used to it yet, but i think nari was because she didn't move an inch.

she forcefully squeezed herself in between us, stealing my spot in holding nari. this time she actually woke her up and nari held her like the baby she is.

"minji unnie, you can't steal my eomma away from me." she held her "eomma" closely like i was going to run away with her and leave.

i patted her head and reassured her.

"okay. i won't take her away from you, you're her baby."

"hyein-ah." a sleepy voice was heard.

"yes, nari unnie." hyein's baby talk comes out rather quickly and she snuggled into the crook of nari's neck.

"why are you so hyper this morning? normally, you would still be in bed sleeping."

"because my parents are finally together."

i think hyein was hugging her too hard because her breathing became uneven and it looked like it was hurting.

"hye..hyein-ah. i can't.." she struggled to get her words out.

"hyein-ah, she can't breathe. let go of her." i said calmly.

"oh! mianhae unnieee." she released her tight hold.

we couldn't help but smile at her cuteness and baby her when she is like this.

"it's okay, don't worry about it."

out of nowhere, hyein turned her whole body to me while glaring at me with those big eyes. this giant baby wasn't intimidating to me at all. only the hwang sisters were as their eyes are so cat-like, similar to haerin.

"unnie-deul, everyone is waiting for you two downstairs." this made nari sit up instantly, dropping hyein from her arms on accident.

"ahhhh, unnieeee."

"oh, mianhae mianhae." she kissed hyein on the forehead as an apology.

"what do you mean by everyone?" i asked.

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