eight "who's the one.."

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{nari's POV}

i stared at hanni in complete disbelief and i stood there frozen, no words were coming out of my throat like i wanted to.

minji let go of her collar, walking over to embrace me.

"i didn't know either.." she whispered.


"when did that happen?" i asked cautiously.

"my birthday party, a year ago."

"what happened at that party exactly?"

i was confused because nothing out of the ordinary happened during the party for her to like me..


{flashback, hanni's POV}

today was my 18th birthday and all of my friends was here, including her.. the hwang nari.

she's not only beautiful on the outside but in the inside, i guess that runs in the family.

"hanni-ya!" my name along with a sweet voice rung through my ears.

i turned to the sound of the voice to find a nari smiling brightly at me while running my way with open arms.

i smiled at the cute sight and opened my arms for her to jump in.

she slowed down in order to not accidentally trample me. our embrace felt so warm and comfortable that i wanted to stay there for a long time. i felt us relax into each others arms and sigh into each other's neck.

"chúc mừng sinh nhật! (happy birthday)" my heart melted at her saying it in vietnamese for me, she has been learning so well.

"cảm ơn nhiều nhé! (thank you so much)"

"you speak vietnamese so well!" i looked up at her as i placed my chin on her chest.

"i'm learning for you! i want you to have someone to speak your native tongue to when your family isn't here."

her eyes were so sparkly when she said that, i swear i could've gotten lost in them if i wanted.

"ah! right! i got you something that we can be matching with!"

i watched her go to retrieve the gift that was carefully wrapped and presented in a bag of my favorite color, mint green which matched the color of her sweater.

she always takes care of the little details of me and makes sure i am satisfied.

"here." she handed me the gift.

as i unraveled the wrapping paper to reveal a box that had the bunny her and i have been trying to get for the longest time.

"our bunnies!" i gasped when i saw her take out the other one that matched mine.

"tadaaa!" her warm smile could melt you..

"thank you!"

we hugged again and just enjoyed each other's warmth before dani came in to ruin the moment.

"wow, rainbows." i glared at her while nari still had her head pressed against mine.

"as if you and haerin are not."

she walked away at that sentence with a "i'm innocent" look, making me roll my eyes at her.

"thank you, my nari." i whispered in her ear.

"my nari?"

she looked at me in surprise but didn't seem to mind it. that somehow relieved me that she didn't find it strange or weird..

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