three "for some reason.."

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{nari's POV}

"OW OW!" i was being repeatedly smacked on my arm.

"YAH! she hugged you back!"

she kept hitting me over and over again that it really started to hurt a lot.

"okay okay! stop hitting me!" 

i finally got her to stop, my arm felt numb from the amount of hits and how hard they were. i pouted while touching the now tender part of where she hit.

"that seriously hurt unnie." i winced when i tried to move it around.

"sorry sorry." her english accent came out to play with the weird voice she does.

"so mean."

i started to inch towards the stairs wishing it would defuse the situation, which of course, it didn't. instead she followed me up to my room. i picked up the pace of my walking and tried to reach the door then close it in her face. i swiftly walked into my room and swung the door shut, but it didn't shut fully because she stopped the door with her full body.

"unnieeeee." i whined to her while pouting.

"why are you so excited?"

i walked over to my desk to type down my speech and get it printed. as i was just about to sit down, yunjin unnie talked to me in a tone that i haven't heard from her in a while.


"i've known minji for quite some time now. longer than you've known her," she walked to sit on the edge of my bed beside me. "her personality is the type that is more reserved if you will."

"she isn't open of her feelings or like to show anything related to how she feels. she tends to be like what we call, a tree. stiff but sometimes sways from left to right whenever there is something."

i nodded slowly, taking in her words.

now that i think about it further..she's right.

we were quiet for a while as i typed until yunjin clapped her hands really loudly out of nowhere. i flinched so hard that i nearly fell out of my chair. after recollecting myself, i glared at her for doing it when it's so quiet.

"yah. do you think she likes-" she cut herself off with a gasp.

"do you think she likes you?" actually saying the sentence this time, she placed her hand over her mouth.

"ayy.. impossible. she's probably being nice to me because i'm her competition." i doubted what she said, yet my mind was questioning whether if she actually does or not.

just then, she smacked my arm..

in the exact same place she hit earlier.

"ah!" my hand immediately to hold my arm that was in immense pain.

'god, why does she hit so hard?'

"oh mianhae- but i'm being serious here nari-ah."

i glared at her with the furrow of my eyebrows like she was crazy because she apologized and then cut straight to another sentence.

she saw my expression and looked down to my arm.

"oh! mianhae mianhae! it must've hurt right? ohh mian." the bed creaked when she suddenly reached to pull my chair over to her.

"what are you-"

i felt her kiss my arm to somehow sooth it.

"better?" she caressed my arm, doing her best to not add any pressure.

first love | minji x fem! ocWhere stories live. Discover now