Chapter Eight: Friendship

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(Word Count: 2218)

Tanjiro and Kanao soon leave the park, still being secretly followed by the trio of girls. Both of their hands continue to be interlocked with each other, leaving the two really flustered. A pretty deep blush remains on both of their faces, but it's not like they can help it.

"Her hand is... soft. Really soft.", Tanjiro thinks to himself as him and Kanao continue to walk back to their houses. It's already getting pretty late, so heading back quickly would be a good idea for the both of them. But internally, Tanjiro wonders why he's acting this way with Kanao. In general, there really is no reason for him, or Kanao, to be this flustered with each other. He tries to think about every possible reason, but the only one that he can think of... it's not a good one.

The two of them continue to walk back home, still holding hands in silence. Even though they both would like to say something, there isn't a right moment for the both of them. And plus, they're already really embarrassed as it is, so talking won't seem right in this particular moment. But one thing is for sure, they really, REALLY, hope that nobody saw them. Obviously, they don't know that Nezuko, Kanae, and Shinobu were watching them. 

Tanjiro and Kanao eventually arrive at their neighborhood after a bit of time. It's gotten pretty late at this point, but the two of them just stand there once they reach the vicinity of their neighborhood. It seems that they both don't really want to leave so soon, but it's getting pretty late, so they have to leave sooner or later. There's a silence that fills the air as they both stare at each other, still holding hands. A light post nearby is providing some light, so the both of them, including the trio of girls, can see the blushes on their face.

"U-Um... I'll take you home, b-because it's getting late now...", Tanjiro says quietly to Kanao. She nods in response, and then they finally start moving again. Her house, the one that she shares with her two older adoptive sisters, is a bit further away from Tanjiro's house, so it will take a bit more time to get there. Tanjiro and Kanao continue to hold each other's hands as they walk back, and at this rate, it seems that they won't end up letting go.

Eventually, they arrive at the 'Kocho' residence. The two of them just stare at the gate before awkwardly looking at each other. 

"U-Um, sorry...! I... I, uh, I'll see you tomorrow...", Tanjiro quickly exclaims before letting go of Kanao's hand. On the inside, he doesn't really feel like letting go, but he doesn't want to seem weird for holding onto her hand for so long. Kanao nods, still flustered, and begins to walk back inside her house. She waves a bit, and Tanjiro does the same. 

Once Tanjiro sees that Kanao is safely inside, he exhales before leaving. As he continues to walk away from her house, he can't help but feel a bit happy with what just occurred. After a bit of walking in silence, he feels a tapping on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side and sees his younger sister, Nezuko, who has probably the slyest smirk ever. She chuckles at Tanjiro, which leaves him pretty confused on as to why she is acting this way.

"So, Onii-Chan, what were you doing with Kanao-San, hm?", she asks Tanjiro teasingly. Tanjiro freezes up at her abrupt question, and blushes hard. 

"Why is Nezuko here all of a sudden!? And... and... and did she see me and Kanao together?", Tanjiro questions himself as he freezes up. He clears his throat quietly before trying to say something in response.

"Just... just hanging out...", Tanjiro says. It's clear that his explanation is a lie for the most part, but Nezuko doesn't really care about that because she already has all the evidence she needs. She nods her head slowly before chuckling a bit.

"You know, Onii-Chan, you are clearly lying. I don't even need to put much thought into it anymore, because you've been acting VERY strange the past couple of days.", Nezuko says in between chuckles. Tanjiro sighs silently to himself before trying to walk back home. Nezuko briefly follows, but continues to interrogate Tanjiro in the process.

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