Chapter Eleven: Confession (Last Chapter)

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(Word Count: 1589)

The maroon headed first year and the raven haired second year continue down on the path that leads to both of their houses. Both of their hands remain interlocked with each other's, though nobody can see that, which can be considered lucky for the both of them. While continuing to walk, Tanjiro feels like he should speak up and properly address the things between him and his childhood friend, but multiple things in the back of his mind tell him that maybe it would be better if he remained silent. In truth, Kanao also has some things she would like to say, but she too remains quiet. The two Kimetsu High students remain silent while still holding hands and walking back to their humble abodes. 

Eventually, Tanjiro and Kanao arrive back at their residence's; Tanjiro being the first to arrive home. They say their farewells and then Tanjiro is left alone by himself. He notices that his family is out and about at the current moment, meaning that the sixteen year old boy is alone and by himself until they come back. Not really in the mood to be doing anything at the moment, he heads up into his room and just lies down on his bed. The day is still going on, and Tanjiro doesn't have any plans for the remaining day, just like every other day before today. The young man ponders his options for a bit, which is him either hanging out with his new friends or doing nothing. Well, he also gave some thought into his plan C: hanging out with Kanao again. His brain tells him that he would rather not hang out with Kanao for like the billionth time again, but a lingering thought keeps that original plan in mind.

Not knowing what to do, he just lies in bed and does nothing. Honestly, he wishes he didn't reject Zenitsu's offer to hang out, but it's not like he can turn back time and accept his offer. 

"Jeez... why is everything so uneventful today?", Tanjiro says while sighing to himself. While lying in bed, he begins to organize all of his jumbled up thoughts that he has retained over the last couple of days, and one that he has recently acquired not too long ago: his true feelings about Kanao. The maroon haired boy feels as feelings for someone should not be developing at such a fast pace, but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants. But what makes it weirder is the fact that he and Kanao have known each other for so long, and just now is he finally getting feelings for Kanao. Maybe he's just really dense... yeah, who knows for sure? 





Hours upon hours pass until it is close to nighttime. Tanjiro, who was lying in bed the entire time, decides to finally get up and head out. So, he puts his shoes on and then briefly exits his house before walking down the street. He decides that he will 'hang out' with Kanao again because he has no better things to do. 

Not too long after, the young man looks up ahead and sees his childhood friend sitting outside of the steps leading up to their front door. His lips curl into a smile as he sees this ever so familiar sight: Kanao blowing soap bubbles while staring at them. He never understood why she liked doing this so much, but he never bothered to ask her that in the first place, finding it rude to pick at someone's hobby. Tanjiro then quietly approaches Kanao and sits to the left of her, causing Kanao to get a bit startled by his sudden appearance.

"Oh, sorry about that Kanao. Did I scare you?", Tanjiro asks Kanao with a faint smile. She returns the smile with one of her own while simply shaking her head. Her answer relieve Tanjiro, as he wasn't sure if he did something bad or not. 

"Look, um, I apologize for coming here out of nowhere, but I wanted to talk.", Tanjiro tells Kanao while she continues to blow soap bubbles. She then turns her head to her left side and says something back in response. 

"Sure. What did you want to talk about, Tanjiro?", Kanao asks while preparing another batch of soap bubbles. Tanjiro kind of stares at her while she blows her soap bubbles, trying to finalize his feelings once and for all. He opens his mouth to say something... but the words never make it out of his mouth. He can't do it. 

"Is something wrong Tanjiro?", Kanao asks him, worried that something might be out of place for her friend. Tanjiro quickly shakes his head and then sighs. 

"Erm... well, you see... you know how things have been kind of weird as of late? You know, after I caused a scene on our first day of school?", Tanjiro questions her, wanting to inquire her legitimate thoughts. 

"I guess you could say that... what about it though?", Kanao whispers while setting her soap bubbles to the side. Tanjiro glances at Kanao and then shoots his eyes downwards, not wanting to make eye contact with his so called 'childhood friend'. 

"Um... has anything been bothering you lately? Because I know that something has been bothering me for the past couple of days...", Tanjiro asks Kanao. She freezes up at his question, unable to really say anything in response. 

"Actually, forget that. I'll just try and get to the point. Uh...", Tanjiro whispers very quietly, his words practically inaudible. He gives himself a moment to rethink all of his life's decisions up until this point, but finally decides that he'll just go for it. 

"K-Kanao... um... I like you..." Tanjiro bluntly states while looking directly into her eyes. Her expression is completely dumbfounded, not fully expecting this but somewhat expecting this at the same time. She nods her head a bit and speaks up a bit afterwards.

"W-Well, I do to...", she says with a blush on her face. The two of them smile at each other, not really knowing to to do now. Tanjiro places his hand on top of Kanao's and the two of them just look into the shining moon above them. The two of them slide a bit closer to each other, there faces being oh so close to one another. And before they know it, their lips touch the other's, giving each other an awkward, yet loving kiss. The kiss breaks after a moment or two, and the two high schoolers smile at each other.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" 

"Yes, it is."






Wow. I really didn't expect myself to make a conclusion chapter for this story, but I couldn't just discontinue it without the concluding chapter. Umm... well, I want to thank you all for reading and supporting this story, even though it clearly wasn't the best. I'm actually really surprised that this fanfic even reached 1k views, so thanks a lot you guys. Also, my computer broke down and it won't turn on, so I wasn't able to provide you guys with my usual 2000+ word chapters (sorry about that). Honestly, I don't really have much of an afterword. I'm just grateful to the people who supported this story, and I'm happy that it managed to do pretty well (at least in my opinion). I guess now that this story has somewhat of an ending, I can do back to doing other things (bruh I can't even work on another story because my computer broke down, so now I have to do things on my phone). 

On a different note, I'd like to just ramble about my story for a little bit, not like you have to read it though. Anyways, my first ambition with this story was to make it around 20 chapters, but that goal kind of vanished when I realized the plot was lost and everywhere. But I think ending this story off with 12 chapters is fine, although I feel like the story was really rushed (it probably is). To be completely frank, I kind of ran into a writers block after chapter three, because once I finished that particular chapter, I was like ,"Woah. Okay that just happened... so what now?" Yeah I don't know myself. But, uh, I don't know if I should really be doing a rewrite anymore (as I don't have my computer and writing on mobile is a lot harder for some reason) mainly because I just published the final chapter. I mean, if you guys would like to see a rewrite then I'm completely fine with making a (hopefully) better story. Oh yeah, I'm actually really shocked that my story managed to get to the 1k mark in just a month and a half. Looking back then, I think 1k reads was just some kind of fever dream or something.

And on another note, instead of making a rewrite, I wanted to try my hand at one shots. Mostly demon slayer related but I don't mind doing anyone else (I have too many anime ships el oh el), meaning that I can take requests! I mean, if you guys would like to see that. It's not really like you guys have too, you know what I mean?

So, uh... I just want to thank everyone one last time before actually signing off of this story. Well, like always, thanks for reading and have a very nice rest of your day! Really, I mean it. You guys are the best. Thank you!


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