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So since I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty of new readers who aren't used to my writing, here are a few notes before we start the book.

-Chapters will usually be short, most of my books take less than an hour to read. I am trying to write more but still keep that in mind.

-On my profile, the reading lists show collections of all the ships i've done in case you're done reading this book and want to keep reading my works.

-Feel free to correct any grammar or spelling mistakes, as long as you're respectful.

-I've been writing on here for almost 4 years but still, feel free to comment any suggestions that you feel will be make stories better. Just, again, please be respectful, I am a human being with feelings.

-I might do Q/A's at the end of chapters, but people need to actually want it, so if you'd like me to do Q/A's, feel free to comment.

Anyways, enjoy the story!


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