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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·


_Interesting. You told Inumaki while crossing your legs on the bench.

_(NAAAAMEEEE) WHAT ARE YOU DOING !? Nobara shouted while being thrown by Panta around the open stadium. TRADE PLACES WITH ME ! THIS SCHOOL UNIFROM IS A PAIN- IM GOING TO BUY A CUTE TRACKSUIT- she continued as you sweatdropped.

You were wearing casual clothes for today since you were training with other the second years.

_What are these two doing ? Maki asked while raising a brow at Nobara and Panda. You two suck at close combat. She said and looked toward you and Megumi.

_How could you know ? You asked as she smirked at you.

_I just do.. first try and win against me. Then we'll talk. She said and took out her weapon while waiting for you and the other male.

You shared a look with him before standing up.


You kept your hands on your hips and let out a loud sigh as you stretched after taking a shower and switching into more comfortable clothes.

You walked in the corridor before Gojo appeared right in front of you with a big smile on.

His sudden apparition made you take a step back and look up at him.

_(Name) ! I was looking for you. He started as you relaxed your shoulders.
It's time to train !

You let out a dry chuckle.

_No it's not. You said and looked out the window where it was already dark outside.

_Yes it is. Also I got a surprise ! He said as you deadpanned.

_I'm going to sleep. As you turned your back to him he wrapped an arm around you then placed you on his shoulder before the scenery changed.

You were no longer on your way to your room but instead into a small room with only a couch and a TV.

_Alright Yuji we can start ! He said while letting go of you.

_Wait who- as you were back at your feet you raised a brow when seeing Itadori perfectly fine. Wait weren't you supposed to be dead ?

_Surprise ! Gojo started while Yuji looked at you with dotted eyes.
Alright listen you two, look over to those cans for me okay ? He said not wanting to lose time and turned to a small table were some can were exposed and one of them imploded while the other twisted the moment you layed your eyes on them.

_This one is cursed energy. Gojo continued and showed the first one. And this one is Cursed technique.

_Right- I don't get it. Yuji said as you looked at both closer.

After maybe half a hour of explanations he finished.

_Okay now both of you hit there. He said and extended both of his palms.

Yuji did first before Gojo turned to you, you tightened your fist and did the same before setting his hands back in his pockets with a smile on.

_No cursed energy ! He enthusiastically said while it basically meant that you and Yuji were weak.

_WHAT !? You both shouted while your mentor cleared his throat.

_The basic of cursed energy is negative emotions. You have to know how to control your emotions. He continued while his hands went to look for something in his pockets. There are many ways to train this and the first one is.. movies ! He said and took out a bunch while yiu narrowed your eyes.

He grabbed your shoulders and made you sit along with the other male while still looking down at you through his blindfold.

_Now take those guys for me. He said and gave you some horrible looking plushies.

_What's up with the ugly doll ? Itadori asked while you heard Venom chuckle darkly.

_It's one of the principals, that cursed corpse will wake up each time it doesn't receive a consistent flow of cursed energy. Gojo explained while Yuji received a punch from the thing.

You glared down at yours which remained unmoving.

_Alright we'll start with action ! Gojo said and inserted the movie. And remember... these things attack too so keep the cursed energy on and DON'T eat them ! He said and closed the door behind him while you sat comfortably with the ugly toy.


'Why is this movie kinda-' you thought while eating some popcorn as Yuji was half laying on the couch while drinking some soda.

You felt him fall off while receiving a punch but you were too focused on the screen.

_NOT WHILE IM DRINKING- Yuji complained before you felt the bowl of popcorn get thrown away from your hands.

_Hey- you looked down only to see the little doll hit you in the face making your head pull back.

You grabbed the thing while a mouth appeared on your throat.

You were ready to feed it to venom but was stopped by Gojo who came back in the room.

_Nah. If you both can't focus on the cursed energy while eating then stop it. He said while you threw the doll in the corner of the room.

_WATCHING MOVIES IS ALL ABOUT THE SNACKS ! Yuji shouted as you tsked.

_Why do I need cursed techniques anyway ? You asked as Gojo kept a smile on while turning to you.

_To excell curses obviously.

As you let out a sigh of defeat the doll came back to you and punched you in the stomach again making you lean forward.

'Cursed shit.'

~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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