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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

You were sleeping peacefully before hearing someone knocking on the door.

You shifted on your bed hugging your pillow closer while trying to ignore the noise before hearing some muffed noise from behind.

With an irk mark you stood up and walked to the door then opened revealing a taller figure.

As you looked up you recognized the features of the blindfolded man and let out a sigh.

_Yes ? You simply asked while he smirked down at you with his hands in his pockets.

_Goodmorning to you too (Name). He started while your lips formed a thin line. No time to lose we have to leave now! He started while you raised a brow.

_Where ? You asked as he was ready to start walking away.

_New case in roppongi and I am dragging you along. He said while you were still not fully awaken to argue.

_Alright give me a minute- you said and closed the door again.

You walked to the closet and took your unfirom before changing and getting yourself ready.

As you opened the door he was sitting with his legs crossed on a bench that was on the other side of the corridor with still his usual expression on.

_Ready ? He asked and stood up.

_Rea- before you could finish, he grabbed your forearm and the scenery changed.

You narrowed your eyes and looked around noticing how you were no longer in the dorms of jujutsu high but instead in front of an old building.

He let go off you and moved in front of you to face you again with his hands in his pockets.

_So basically I got informed that there is one of Sukuna's fingers here. He said and looked over his shoulder toward the building that was full of cursed energy. And since I have to teach you cursed techniques I decided that you will come along.

_How about Megumi and Nobara- ? You asked while he smirked down at you again.

_They already know jujutsu don't they ? He said and you looked aside.

He hummed amused and turned you his back to start walking toward the entrance.

_So it's simple, you look for the finger, kill curses while I watch and interfere only in need, gotcha ? He asked while you let out a sigh.

_Gotcha. You said with a dead tone as he grinned before walking in the building.

The moment you stepped in you felt a whole shiver run through your body at how cold the atmosphere was.

He noticed your move but didn't say anything and instead stopped walking and turned to you.

You stopped as well and raised a brow confused.

_What- ?

_What what ? You're the one looking for the finger not me ! He said and waved his hands in front of you.

You blinked a few times and nodded.

'How do I look for a finger even-'

_Aren't you supposed to teach me how to do these stuff ? You asked as he grabbed his chin.

_Maybe yes Maybe no~ he started and you could clearly tell it was a game for him.

You deadpanned and turned your back to him while thinking.

_Maybe this way- ? You asked while he kept on smiling without saying a word.

As you started walking a curse appeared in front of you making you take a step back.

You looked over your shoulder and saw that your mentor had no intentions of fighting it so you let out a sigh and let Venom take over one of your arms.

The curse tried reaching for you but you slayed it arm before it took some distance from you.

You stared as it arm kept on moving on the ground even after being teared off it body.

The curse tried attacking again only for you to crush it head with venom's hand.

As it was done faster than expected Gojo let out a whistle and came to your side.

_Impressive (Name) ! He said and looked at you while tilting his head.

You made Venom's skin fade back onto yours and let out an amused sigh.

_So I can only guess that you use cursed energy through- he seemed to look for the name while looking toward you for an answer.

_Venom. A mouth appeared on your throat and the deep voice echoed in the surroundings.

_Right Venom. Also I wanted to ask. This time he seemed more serious with a small smirk. Can you control it after it takes over your body or it's the same way as Sukuna and has it own consciousness ? He asked and grabbed his chin.

_We can do both. As you said so his expression lit up and he set his hands back in his pockets.

_Perfect then. Let's continue. He said and this time he was the one leading the way.

After fighting several curses you reached a room that had a stronger cursed energy emitting from it.

As you reached for the knob Gojo grabbed it first and walked in front of you while you deadpanned.

'What a gentleman-'

You walked in after him and saw a kind of small sanctuary, or more of a offering set up with a small box on it.

Gojo made it way toward it and the moment he opened the item it was empty.

The atmosphere of the whole room died as if there was never a curse in to begin with.

He examined the box with a neutral expression while you looked at what he was doing from his right.

_Someone took it. He said and you could only assume that this wasn't good.

_Took it took it ? You asked while he let go off the box and turned to you.

_Took it took it. He said and looked down at the ground seeing a sight of some cursed residuals. Someone was here before us.

As you saw him looking toward the ground you narrowed your eyes before one of your eyes was changed into venoms.

This allowed you to see the same thing as him as your mouth formed an o.

_Not too bad for someone who just started learning jujutsu. He switched the topic and smirked at you.

I'm blushing.

~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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