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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

You woke up and let out a yawn while stretching your arms over your head.

You looked out the window and let out a satisfied sigh before looking around and saw Yuji.

You stood off your bed then realized what you just saw.

_HOW DOD YOU GET IN THERE !? You asked and jumped on your bed as he had a huge grin on his face.

_(NAMEE) IM FINALLY GOING TO SEE MEGUMI AND NOBARA ! He said as you sweatdropped.

_Oh right they still think that you're dead. He nodded enthusiastically before grabbing your wrist.

_LET'S GO SEE GOJO SENSEI ! He shouted as you tripped on the ground.



_Come one let's go see everyone ! Yuji ran in front of you to your mentor leaving you behind.

You had a hand on your back after falling on the stairs which made it hurt because of Yuji.

_After all this time, are you gonna show up like nothing happened? Gojo asked while you stepped next to Itadori.

Nanami was here as well but too busy checking the journal totally uninterested.

_Huh- why not !? Yuji asked while sweatdropping.

_Let's surprise them. Gojo said and a small smirked creeped on his features.

_Surprise ? You asked at the same time as Gojo looked up from his seat to you two through his blindfold.

_Yup, just leave it to me ! He started. They will probably cry and crazy because they would be so happy then the other students would follow suit. I bet some would even throw up ! Which would resolve the global warming. He said as you didn't even know what to think anymore. Right (Name) ? He asked as you nodded.

_Yeah Yuji make them throw up to save the world. You said as he grinned.

_Awesome !!

So naive.

_Sensei tell me what I should do ! He continued and went to Gojo who matched his energy.

_You don't have to do anything just do as I say ! He said while Nanami cleared his throat annoyed.


You followed after Gojo who made you carry some pink dolls as he pushed a cart toward your destination.

You started seeing the multiple figures from afar before you arrived right in between the two school teams.

_(Name)- Nobara was about to scold you before Gojo spoke.

_Here i am ! He started while posing. I was actually on a business trip overseas and I bought you souvenirs !  He said and showed you off with his arms while some sweatdropped.

He took the dolls from your arms and gave them to the Kyoto students with a grin.

_Here for the last years of Kyoto~ Nothing for Utahime though! He enthusiastically said while she seemed pissed.

_Keep those trash ! She said but he only ignored her. Annnnndddd for my dear students an ultimate gift ! He said while showing off the cart waiting for you to open it.

As everyone looked toward you, you opened the box with a sweatdrop as Yuji came out an immediately took a pose.

_Tadaa. you said with an awkward pose while Gojo seemed proud.

_OPAPI ! Yuji exclaimed.


_The deceased Yuji Itadori ! Gojo said while taking a pose too.

Nobara and Megumi's expression dropped as the rest of the students looked with a frown.

Your two teammates palled at the view of Itadori.

_Kyoto students... he said and turned the cart for Yuji to face the other school. Here is Itadori Yuji, Sukuna's vessel. He said proudly.

_Sukuna's vessel-.... what does that mean. An old man full of piercings said from behind you with one widened eye.

_Don't you think you have something to tell us. Nobara asked while approaching you and Yuji with Fushiguro. ESPECIALLY YOU SINCE WHEN DID YOU KNOW- She asked with a dramatic tone while grabbing your collar with teary eyes.

_Fushiguro- it's been a while- you started as he glared at you.

Nobara let go of you and hugged Yuji before slapping him and hugging him again.

You blinked a few times at the scene and turned back at Megumi who was looking at them and let out a sigh before meeting your gaze once more.

_Yeah. he simply said and looked at you for a moment as if he was trying to figure you out.

~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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