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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

You narrowed your eyes while Kiyotaka explained the different grade curses to you and Yuji.

'How come i didn't know all that-'

I didn't know it either.

'You it's not surprising but ME'

_Do not forget, your mission is to locate and evacuate any survivors nothing more. Kiyotaka said as you slowly blinked.

_IS TADASHI- IS MY SON OKAY- A woman came in running to your group but was stopped by the fence that was around the crime scene. HEY ! She waved trying to earn your attention.

_She came in for a visit with her son. There's a possibility that poison was spread in the facility. Ijichi explained the situation as you looked back toward the building.

_Nobara... (Name).. Megumi- Itadori started as you raised a brow at him. We have to save him. He seemed determined while staring at the poor woman who's eyes were already full of tears.

_Of course. Nobara said while your lips formed a thin line.

He's dead.

You nodded to yourself and followed them to the entrance.

_I am going to lower the curtain. Be careful and good look. Ijichi said before taking another path.

_Let's do this ! Yuji said as you opened the door at the same time that Megumi summoned His divine dogs.

The moment you entered your jaw dropped.

The building was made like a maze, multiple floors, half destroyed and over everything with a bad lighting.

_What's that !? This is supposed to be a two-story dorm building right?? Itadori asked with widened eyes.

As you stared at your surroundings you heard Venom chuckle.

'What's so funny ?'

You're stuck.

'What ?'

And before he could answer Megumi turned around.

_The door !

_The door is gone ! Yuji said while Megumi kneeled next to his dog.

_We just came from there !? Nobara said and pulled on her hair.

_He can track the scent of the exit. Megumi said referring to his dog.

Nobara and Yuji listed up and started patting the poor thing.

_Mine can too. You said as Nobara icked in disgust and pointed a finger at your throat.

_You mean the curse- she said as Yuji grabbed his chin.

_That's cool ! Can Sukuna do that too ? He asked while turning to Megumi.

_Sukuna can probably destroy this whole place. He spoke with a cold voice while Itadori nodded. Let's go now.

You all followed him and entered a large room, you saw something in the corner and when you got closer there were dead corpses around.

Yuji went closer and checked each of their badges while Nobara stared at him disgusted.

_We're bringing this body back. He said while you searched for an exit.
It's that lady's son-

As he was about to say more Megumi grabbed his collar with one hand making him stand up.

_We have to confirm that the other two are dead, leave him.

_What but how are we gonna get back here? Yuji asked in disbelief while Fushiguro glared at him.

_I never said we were coming back. I said, leave. him. He insisted on his words while you shared a look with Nobara. He's not even worth being saved alive, so why would I save his dead body ?

_What are you talking about? Itadori asked while grabbing his collar too.

_This is a juvenile detention center, and this guy was driving without a license and hit a girl who was walking from school. And it wasn't his first time doing that.
You always seem to want to save lives and focus on going with a natural death but who's to say that someone you save won't kill someone in the future? Megumi said as you let out a sigh.

I want to eat the dog.


_THEN WHY DID YOU SAVE ME !? Itadori shouted making your gaze avert back to him.

Megumi was taken aback for a moment but was cut when Nobara walked in between them.

_KNOCK IT OFF! THIS ISN'T THE TIME OR THE- But before she could even finish something grabbed her ankle from the ground making her go through it.

_KUGISAKI- Itadori shouted while you noticed something hanging on the wall.

_RUN ! Megumi shouted but before you could do so you received a punch making you go straight into the wall next to the dead divine dog.


_(NAME) ! Itadori said before the curse cut off his arm.

As you got off the wall you went back to them and charged your fist that was already fully covered by venom and hit the jaw of the curse.

His head turned around before it slowly looked toward you.

You awkwardly smiled and it grinned widely while letting out weird sounds.

_FUSHIGURO ! TAKE (NAME) AND RUN- Itadori said while you jumped aside to not get hit by it.

An arm came from your back while you crouched down and tried aiming for his ankles only for the curse to jump back still making weird expressions.

_I won't do that ! Megumi said as you started thinking of something.

No matter how much Venom helped you so far, you were never exposed to a special grade curse in your entire life.

All you did is let him devour the weak oes you encountered so far.

You tsked in annoyance and turned back to them.

_I'm counting on you Megumi ! Yuji told him as you missed his words that convinced Fushiguro to run.

He grabbed your wrist and made some summoning hand signs making his other divine dog appear.

_Look for Kugisaki ! He shouted while you both turned in another hallway.

Everything was already bad enough until something made you go through the ground.

Megumi stated horrified and gritted his teeth before trying to think fast of what to do.

_Just leave with Nobara Were your last words before you fully disappeared of his sight.

~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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