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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

Tokyo Team meeting~

_Isn't that a little too much- Itadori asked Nobara while holding a frame in front of his face while sitting on the ground.

_Shut up, the dead doesn't talk. She said with her back facing him.

_C'mon he explained the situation, just forgive him already. Panda said as Itadori looked at him over his shoulder.

_It talks- 

_Salmon salmon. Toge said while Yuji seemed confused.

_Inumaki is a cursed speech user. Megumi started.  He can increase and strengthen the spirit of words, so for safety reasons he limits his vocabulary. Megumi explained while you sat on the ground next to Yuji.

_So if he tells me to die it will happen ? He's so powerful ! Yuji praised as you hummed.

_Say you two. Maki said and turned to both you and Itadori. Give me back my demon slaughters. She said while you blinked a few times. Satoru lent it to you right ? She asked dead serious.

_About that- you started and sweatdropped at the memory.

Flash back~

_How do I even fight with that thing !? You complained while the curse in front of you was probably three times your size.

You stabbed it in the head and the weapon remained stuck there.

Fuck this.

Venom took over your body again and bit down on the curse's head, swallowing him along with the knife.

I think I choke on something-

End flashback~

_Gojo sensei took them back- Yuji said saving both of you from the situation.

_Blindfolded idiot. She muttered while Megumi seemed exasperated when seeing right through your lies.

_So the team battles format is as we expected. We've got two extra people now, we don't have time to change plans. Maki said while changing the topic.

_Fish flakes. Toge said.

_What can you two do ? She asked while waiting for an answer.

_Punch and kick. Yuji said while Panda seemed disappointed.

_Everyone can do that. Right after this they all turned to you waiting for an answer.

_Eat curses. You simply said as Maki sweatdropped at your words.

_You eat curses- ? Panda asked before a mouth appeared on your throat.

_No, I do. Venom spoke as Nobara faked a gag.


_And what exactly is that- Maki asked while leaning back.

_I don't know what they both did this whole time but... Megumi said and moved in front of you to face Maki. But if it comes down to a brawl without any cursed energy involved they would win.

_Interesting.. Maki smirked before standing up. Alright team Tokyo let's go ! She hyped up and started walking to the exit.

_You're amazing Fushiguro ! Yuji said and lightly punched his shoulder before running to the exit too.

Everyone made their way out as you stood up and started following.

You noticed how Megumi remained on his spot and looked over your shoulder.

_Are you coming ? You asked as he looked at you for a moment before nodding.


_START ! Gojo announced through the speaker before all of you started running in the forest.

_Where do you think the boss curse is located ? Yuji asked while still running.

_Probably somewhere in the center. Panda said before Maki spoke.

_At the designed time we'll split in two teams, one with panda and the other with Megumi just like we discussed. And the rest is up to you. She said referring to Yuji.

As you kept on running you saw a curse like Spider before a tall male came in from nowhere.

_Good !! Everyone's here ! He said while jumping in front of you. Let's have everyone come at me at once !

You noticed a scar on his face along at how he was shirtless and kept his hair pulled back.

_Split up ! Maki shouted as you took the first direction that came in your mind.

You were supposed to go the other way.

~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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