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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

You ate some snacks while watching another movie with Yuji.

This time both dolls remained unmoving while you enjoyed the show that was good so far.

Everything was peaceful until Gojo came in walking with a person you never saw until now.

You didn't mind them much until Satoru moved to stand in front of the screen.

Itadori tried getting a peek of the screen but your mentor turned it off.

_Sensei ! He complained while you deadpanned.

_Alright time for you two to go through something new ! Let me introduce you..... he started while turning his attention to the blond male. Nanamin ! He exclaimed while "Nanamin" didn't look pleased.

He smirked and passed his arm over the man's shoulder who crossed his owns.

_Officer worker dropout sorcerer Nanami ! He said while the said male seemed annoyed.

_Please don't call me that.

_dropout ? You started before Itadori took a step closer to them.

_Why didn't you start as a jujutsu sorcerer ?

_I am Nanami Kento. I am charged for a new case concerning a special grade curse. He announced and you couldn't help but think how elegant and formal he looked. What i learned at Jujutsu high is that jujutsu sorcerers are shit. He started and looked up as your lips parted in disbelief.
And what I realised while at the office is that working is shit. He finished and Yuji sweatdropped.
So I took the lesser of two evils. Nothing more nothing less.

'He looks fancy'

I hate fancy people.

_So you two are going to accompany him and pass to the next level of your training hm. Gojo said and smiled at both of you amused.

You  shared a look with Yuji and nodded.

Since the past two weeks you did nothing but go through different "trainings" to improve your jujutsu.

You saw Nobara and Megumi only a few times, the male didn't seem to care but the brunette had some weird suspicions on you.


_(NAAMEE)- ! You heard a familiar voice shout while you were about to walk in your room after several hours passed at watching movies.

She ran to you and grabbed your shoulder making you turn to her.

_You missed all our trainings ! And I didn't see you around for- she went in thoughts before continuing. AND WHY ARE YOU COMING BACK SO LATE !? DON'T TELL ME YOU FOUND YOURSELF A BOYFRIEND !- wait... YOU HAVE  A BOYFRIEND AND DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME !?


The memory made your head ache as it wasn't even half of what you went through with her presence.

_And so- when are we leaving ? Yuji asked and went reaching for some more popcorn.

_Right now ! Gojo said and took the snack away.


_Can you see them ? Nanami started while fixing his glasses. The residuals of cursed energy ?

As he asked so you narrowed your eyes and tried getting a glimpse of what he said unsuccessful.

_Nope. Yuji said while looking around.

_That's because you are not trying to see it. We actually witness curses everyday. If a cursed technique is activated traces are left behind, That's what we call "residuals". However they are weak compared to cursed spirits. He said and you narrowed your eyes.

You felt sweat forming on the side of your forehead as you tried seeing those steps.

You finally saw the marking son the ground and your lips formed a small smirk.

_I see them. You said and Yuji grinned on your left.

_Me too !

_Of course. Sensing before seeing is a standard for one who is capable. Nanami said as you let out a sigh.


After maybe an hour you found yourself still following after Nanami with Yuji on your side, this until some curse came in front of you.

Yuji got ready into a fighting position while you let Venom cover one of your arms until your elbow.

_Stop. Nanami started and set a arm in front of both of you. I'll take care of this. He said before looking over his shoulder. I let these two to you. He said and when you followed his gaze you saw two more curses in the corridor. If you think you're in trouble let me know.

He said without averting his gaze from the curse in front of him.

Without a word you walked to the curse that was supposed to be your opponent and let both of your hand be covered by the symbiote's skin.

You watched unfazed as the curse started making weird sounds while coming to you.

It was probably  your size if not shorter and grabbed both of your ankles.

You took hold of it skull with one hand while the other wrapped around it apparent neck.

It started choking before you pulled it head off easily.

_Bleh. You said out loud when seeing the thing change forms before fully disappearing.

When you turned back around you saw Nanami nodding at you before you both looked toward Itadori with a sweatdrop.

_WAAAAAAAA- He shouted when the curse grabbed his ankle.

But he ended up cutting off it tentacle and got rid of him under five minutes.

Brat you are supposed to learn that cursed techniques things.

'Basically it is, since you aren't a curse so I just charge some cursed energy onto my fists while y'know-'

You thought trying to convince yourself.


~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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