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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

It didn't take you long until realizing that you were fighting a Special grade curse.

Not only was it fast but it used techniques that lower grade didn't.

The only one you fought so far was Mahito, you focused more energy in your fist before hitting on it head that imploded.

There was a moment of silence before the second face started crying and saying things that you couldn't understand.

It jumped back and lowered it upper body before you saw him heal the first head.

'I will have to try harder-'

You eyed the curse from your spot before doing a precise gesture with your hands.

The curse seemed taken aback and even started protecting it face as it felt horrified after your action.

Your head remained low as you looked down on your hands.

Don't tell me that-

_Domain expansion. You said out loud and stared at the ground that started shaking under your feet.

No way-


A blush came across your face as nothing happened, Venom couldn't stop laughing in your mind as even the curse was chuckling weirdly by now.

_Shut up- i gave it a try- being too embarrassed to even think properly you jumped back at the curse and joined both of your fist before heavily hitting the back of its skull.

It face met with the ground and the moment it tried looking up the first thing it saw was your foot kick him and sending him back again.

With Venom's appearance you got closer to the curse and bit down on its shoulder.

When you focused hard enough you noticed it cursed energy being mainly focused on the tongue of the curse.

It started suddenly screaming and made it way away from you.

It made both of his hands pierce through the ground before it shattered onto debris making you lose your balance.

The curse started throwing all kind of stuff at you as you dodged.

He's getting emotional.

One of the main things you noticed on the spirit you were fighting it how dramatical and expressing he was acting.

You let out a sigh before tightening your fists and went after the curse again, it moved aside making your knuckles punch the wall behind him instead, he saw an opening through your action and send another orb toward you.

The timing didn't allow you to dodge it and hut you right on the spot, the same way as earlier you didn't feel anything before being thrown across the cave.

You started getting annoyed and tried thinking os something else.

You focused more energy on your fist and did the same thing he did earlier, aiming for the ground.

The ground underneath him parted and it had no other choice but to jump right in front of you were the surface as still stable enough to stand.

_Boo. You said and removed your hand from the ground that made him fall in between the debris.

You grabbed his arm and made him go over your shoulder before hitting the ground again.

Then suddenly it stopped moving.

You still tearedoff his arm and kicked his body to check why the sudden action.

However when you saw it face it was charging a big orb in it mouths.

One was yellow while the second was a kind of orange.


It was already too late and both attacks hit you, this time the impact was stronger making Venom's skin uncover yours making you hit a debris with your own appearance.

As the curse stood up it didn't seem as playful as earlier and had a frown on.

It ran to you again as you dodged.

'Just my chance-' the moment he turned it back you made Venom's cover your arm and pierced through it skin.

The curse yelped and stated down at your fist that went through his stomach before slowly turning it head to you.

You pushed your arm deeper before using your second hand to crush it skull as a last move.

It fell down and you followed not being able to stand anymore.

You crawled over the curse and materialized your second fist before cursing it second head.

It took a few moments before it started turning onto ashes under you making you lay on the ground.

'We did it.'

We did it.

A small smirk spread on your features before seeing the bridge again.

You were no longer in the cave, you were just next to the river.

You tried moving only to feel your ribs ache.

You let out a whine before hearing someone shift next to you.

_(Name) ? Megumi asked while being in the same position as you.

He seemed relieved but that turned into a glare when seeing that smirk of yours.

_Looking go- before you could finish he threw a small rock on you making you shut up.

_Don't you dare finish that sentence.
He weakly said as you chuckled.

_(NAME) MEGUMI- Nobara asked as you both looked at them from your position.

_WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD- Both said before rushing to you.




~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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