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·.★·.·'¯'·.·★ . ★·.·'¯'·.·★.·

You let out a yawn and received another slap by the doll.

This time you didn't show any reaction and Yuji was half asleep on your side.

As the credits of the movie appeared Yuji stood up to change it.

_And so- he started. You don't have curses techniques either ? He asked and looked over his shoulder.

_No. You simply said as he walked back to the couch.

_Does your uh- curse ? Listen to you ? He asked and feeling it coming you covered your throat for Venom to not say anything.


_yeah we're buddies. You said and looked toward him while his mouth formed an o.

_I don't want to befriend Sukuna but if only he wasn't that stubborn- ! He started and glared at the cursed doll.

You smirked and was about to keep the conversation when Gojo appeared in front of you making you both flinch.

_Yuji ! (Name) ! He said and you both looked up at him.

_We should up the cursed energy and move to the next step. He said this time serious.

_Already ? You asked as he nodded at you.

_Let's go on a field trip to a high end jujutsu battle, I'll teach you about domain expansion. He said and grabbed both of you by the back of your uniforms before teleporting on another destination.

As he let go of you you looked around and saw an open field with a familiar curse fuming in anger not too far.

_My students are gonna be watching on today's class. Gojo told the curse who deadpanned before seeing you.

_YOU. he shouted as you remained neutral.

_Me. You said back as he gritted his teeth.

_WEREN'T WE AT THE SCHOOL LIKE JUST A SECOND AGO !? Yuji shouted and started looking around.

_What's with the brats ? The volcano guy started. Gonna use them as a shield ?

_No no. Gojo shook his hand. I am just in the process of teaching them a lot of things.. don't worry about them they are just watching. We should be good.. since you are weak. He said and smirked at him.

Lava came out of the curse head before he started yelling toward your mentor.


_if we eat this guy.. does it mean we are worth 8-9 Sukune fingers ? You asked to yourself while Venom thought about it too.

There is only one way to find out.

You chuckled at the comment before seeing the curse do some hand signs.

_Domain expansion.

And the next thing was the filed turning into a kind of cave, you were as confused as Yuji who by now was shouting nonsense again but remained quiet.

While he was busy explaining what a domain expansion was you were looking around.

'I want to learn how to do that too'

Then listen.

You turned back your attention to Gojo who was still talking before an attack came to him, but befor either could reach him he hit it sending it toward the volcano guy.

_The most effective counter to domain expansion is to expand your own. He said and started reaching for his blindfold. Doman expansion. He said and pulled the cloth down revealing his eyes. Unlimited void. He continued and crossed his fingers.

He seems delicious.

You ignored that inner voice and slightly widened your eyes when seeing his eyes.

Itadori's jaw was hanging open before you were all found floating into some space.

_You're inside the limitless. He told the curse then grabbed his skull. The actions you take in life are forced upon you infinitely. He said while passing his free arm over both yours and Yuji's shoulders to keep you close to him. Ironic isn't it ? Given everything but unable to do anything. Dying slowly.

He then ripped his head off and threw it on the ground while at the same time you appeared back on the field.

One of his hands set in his pocket while the other lowered his blindfold half back keeping only one eye exposed.

_Who sent you. He asked while looking at his head rolling down until reaching your feet.

You looked down at the thing in disgust while he was too stunned about everything that happened.

_Is there something nice waiting for you if you kill me huh ? Gojo continued while setting his foot over the curse's head.

This was maybe the first time you saw him so serious, and you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated, especially the way he was right in front of you, and if it wasn't for the curse it seemed as if he was addressing you.

_Hurry up im gonna exercise you.. he continued and put his blindfold over his eyes fully. Actually I'm gonna exorcise you either way.

_So curses can talk? Yuji started and you remembered having the same reaction when finding out.

_Apparently. You started before something came in from the ground.

The whole filed was suddenly covered in flowers and you found yourself looking around with your lips parted.

I love flowers.

You were taken out of your admiration when someone or something came running and grabbed the volcano head.

You felt something wrap around your ankles and you were taken up by your legs with your while body hanging down.

You took a peek on your side and saw Yuji in the same position.

_GO AFTER THEM SENSEI IM FINE ! Yuji shouted while you grabbed his collar from your position with an irk mark.

At the same moment an apparent tree came to you and tried biting down on your shoulder while you yelped


As the curses got out of sight the flowers along with what was keeping you hostage disappeared making you both fall face first on the ground.

_High-level cursed spirits working together huh? Gojo started ignoring you and Yuji. This is getting fun.

~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...~

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