The Cause and Effect of Circumstance.

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Naruto was in the Hokage's office getting a mission from the Hokage. "Kakashi and his Genin team were sent to Wave country on a C-Rank protection mission. They are protecting a bridge builder named Tazuna, but when they reached the border, they were attacked by the Demon Brothers Gozu and Meizu. Due to this encounter their mission difficulty has increased to B-Rank. I assume you know why I am sending you as backup on this mission." The Hokage debriefs.

"The Demon Brothers are known to travel with Zabuza Momichi the Demon of the Mist, and Zabuza has many connections to powerful missing nin." Naruto says.

"Yes, and since the likelihood of Zabuza showing up is very high I want you to get to Wave country as fast as you can. We both know Kakashi has taken it easy since he left the Anbu, and I don't want one of my best Jonin dying because he got rusty." The Hokage says.

"I'll make sure Kakashi doesn't get himself killed." Naruto then disappeared in a flash of yellow lightning.

The Hokage rolls his eyes. "It seems he picked up Jiraiya's dramatic flair."


Naruto appeared at the Konoha gates to check out for his mission to the Wave when he saw two of his old friends.

"Hey Kotetsu, hey Izumo. Still stuck on gate duty I see." Naruto said.

"Yeah, they decided to make us eternal gate guards apparently." Izumo complained.

"Don't get me wrong Naruto I know we aren't as skilled as you, not by a long shot, but our skills could still be used in the field more." Kotetsu said.

"It's better to have people of your skill protecting the gates rather than a regular Chunin." Naruto replied.

"I guess you're right, but it's so damn boring. No one would attack the village from the gates, and if anyone got close to the village the barriers would pick them up and Anbu would follow them all the way here." Izumo stated.

"Yeah, we're more of a formality than a line of defense." Kotetsu added.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I'm checking out for a mission to Wave country?" Naruto changes the topic.

"Alright." Izumo says as he grabs a pencil and writes something on a piece of paper.

"Isn't that where Kakashi's team went?" Kotetsu asks.

"Yeah, I'm being sent as backup. They have the potential of running into the Demon of the Mist." Naruto replies.

"Oh damn. Well be careful Naruto we'll see you later." Izumo says.

Naruto waves at them before leaving. He was still friends with Izumo and Kotetsu. Not as close friends as he was with Hana and Yugao, but they were still friends. Actually, the only person Naruto isn't really friends with anymore is Hayate. After the Chunin exams Hayate stopped talking to him. Naruto had his suspicions that it had to do with his relationship with Yugao, but he was still friends with the girl in question. So, Naruto assumed Hayate just didn't like him all that much. He didn't really care though. If Hayate didn't want to be friends with him then who was he to judge him.


Naruto was jumping from tree to tree at high speeds. He was wearing his Jonin uniform, but now he had a cloak over it. The cloak was black and had Yellow Lightning at the bottom. On the back of it there was a large Yellow Kanji for Nine. It was a similar cloak to his father's, but Naruto added his own style to it.

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