Slug in the Countryside.

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Naruto was currently heading to the main TnI building to see a few prisoners he took interest in. It had been a day after the invasion, and the Sand village prisoners were scheduled to be sent back to their village in a week when everything calmed down. The Suna council had sent out the details of the new peace agreement so quickly that Naruto couldn't help but wonder if they knew they were going to lose. The day after the attack they sent over their terms of surrender and a new peace treaty.

Rasa had to have been tricked by Orochimaru. Otherwise, the village wouldn't be this prepared for defeat. The council must have been against the attack, but they had no choice other than following their Kage. So instead, they made a treaty to reinforce their alliance with the Leaf once the fight was over. It is the only way they could give a treaty that quick. 

Naruto walked into the TnI building and was granted access to the cell he needed immediately. Turns out being the candidate for Hokage and the most powerful Jonin in the village gave him a lot of authority. He could take command almost anywhere and the shinobi would follow him without hesitation, and he was allowed to go wherever he wanted.

He walked into the cell and found three kids sitting in their bunks. The three kids were the late Kazekage's children.

"I hope your accommodations are satisfactory." Naruto starts.

"Yes, they are." Temari says with a glare.

Naruto ignored her and looked at Gaara. "Did you do what I requested?"

"...Yes. You were right I was the one pushing them away." Gaara said in a guilty voice.

"Well, you can start making amends now. Starting with the seal that you have. It is not meant to hold a tailed beast. Actually, whoever made the seal did a horrific job. I can give you a new one, and with it you won't have to worry about Shukaku any longer. You could even sleep without him threatening your body." Naruto states.

"I... I want you to do it, but first I have a question." Gaara looked Naruto dead in the eyes. "Why didn't you kill me? I was threatening your village, yet you chose to let me live. I want to know why."

"I already had to kill someone like us. It was not something I enjoyed. We all shared the same hatred, so I think we should be able to understand each other. I could have easily become you, and you could have easily become me. I didn't want to kill someone who I have seen in the mirror again." Naruto says genuinely.

Temari and Kankuro were just staring at the interaction with wide eyes. Their brother had started to open up to them, and it was because of this Jonin who was still in his teens.

"If you can come with me then I can fix your seal. It will take a couple hours, and you will most likely pass out from the pain, but I can do it." Naruto states.

"Ok then let's go." Gaara says without hesitation. 

Naruto and Gaara went to a special room that would suppress the demonic chakra that was about to be released. The room was in the basement of the TnI building, and its purpose was to hold Jinchuriki's prisoner, but it was being used for something else today.

Naruto had Gaara lie down in the middle of the room as he started writing all over his now bare chest. The process took a few minutes, but once Naruto was done, there was a seal similar to his on Gaara's chest, but instead of the reaper death seal Naruto changed a few key components. Because he had time to plan out the seal, he was able to add more to it so he wouldn't have to sacrifice his life. Naruto made a clone that kneeled next to Gaara's head. 

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