The Godamine Hokage.

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Naruto was currently walking through what was left of the village with Hiruzen. They were checking the status of the rebuilding effort. Tenzo was put in charge of the reconstruction and as the Elite Jonin Commander Kakashi was charged with supervising and helping when needed.

Naruto and Hiruzen were waving to all the villagers they passed. Naruto had become even more popular (if that was possible) after he became Hokage. It had been a month since the assault, and the village was looking much better than it used to. The crater was still there, but that would take some more time to fill in. The ninja set up a base camp outside of the walls, and that was where about 80% of the Leaf village inhabitants were staying. People were getting moved back into the village on the daily though.

The records department was going through all their files and making very specific maps that told where everyone lived. These maps are what the rebuilding teams were using to know who to move back in, and what their house looked like.

Naruto was also taking this rebuilding process as an opportunity. While the Leaf is rebuilding, they were making upgrades. Seals were being placed onto each building to help with weathering, and the buildings were being made with better standards than they originally were. The Leaf village was entering a new stage of its life, and the new stage would be better than ever before.

Naruto also decided that once the Crater was filled in and all the houses were fixed and upgraded that the houses that weren't damaged would also be upgraded. Some of the houses wouldn't need it like the Namikaze Mansion, but some like what's left of the Red-Light District would need the improvements.

Doing this much while rebuilding cost the village a lot of money though. The clan heads were helping with that aspect as was Naruto, but the village would still be in debt for an estimated time of two years. If everything after the reconstruction went according to plan, then the village would be better off than it ever was after this. 

Naruto and Hiruzen arrived at the main tent and opened the flap. Tenzo looked over and smiled.

"Lord Hokage's it's good to see you." Tenzo said. He wasn't wearing his Anbu mask because of his current assignment. He looked very tired though. It was expected though, he had been using a lot of chakra over the past month. 

"Tenzo, it's good to see you too, but we didn't come here for pleasantries." Naruto said.

"Ah yes, I'm guessing you want a status report." Tenzo said. When he saw Naruto nod, he continued. "Well, the teams from Kiri and Suna arrived a week ago, and they have been a major help. Our base camp was finished, and we started dedicating more time to the crater. Suna also sent some of their Earth users to help, and we have it about 30% filled in. While the Earth users are busy, we started working on moving people back in." Tenzo said as he unrolled a map of the village.

"Kakashi gave me this map on his progress. It says that about twenty percent of the misplaced civilians have been moved in and about ten percent of the Shinobi. We are coming along well and are expected to finish in about two months." Tenzo wrapped up.

"Good, that is a month quicker than what we expected." Naruto said. "What's the status on the clan compounds?"

"Well, the new Uchiha compound was fixed quickly because of its reduced size, and our three Uchiha moved into it, but the Inuzuka, the Aburame, and the Akimichi compounds will be much later on. For where they are placed, they were completely wiped off the map. The Nara compound wasn't damaged at all with their position towards the outskirts of the village, and the Yamanaka compound was barely damaged, so we are expected to fix that one in a week's time. The Senju compound was reduced to a single mansion, but all of their resources were kept, and their sacred tree in the compound survived thanks to seals placed around it. The Sarutobi compound was completely rebuilt, and lastly the Kurama compound wasn't damaged at all." Tenzo wrapped up.

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