Stoppable Force Meets Immovable Object.

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The day of the finales of the Chunin exams had finally come. Naruto was currently in his normal Jonin outfit with his personalized cloak on over it. He had already placed the summoning seals and the barrier seals in the needed places for the invasion countermeasures. All he had to do was proctor the finale exams, then he had to kill a few shinobi. It sounded a lot easier than it was.

Naruto was standing in the arena where the exams would take place. Every one of the Chunin candidates had arrived, but Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto knew that he was training with Kakashi so that could mean they are going for a flashy entrance, or they lost track of time. Naruto was going with the former. If Sasuke didn't show up by the time his match starts then he will be disqualified, so it's a good thing his fight is last.


Kage Booth

"It's good to see you again Lord Kazekage." The Hokage starts.

"It is good to see you as well Lord Hokage."

"I trust that your travels were unproblematic?" The Hokage asks.

"Yes, they were. Not even bandits try to attack when you wear this hat." The Kazekage responds.

"Do you take me for a fool my old student I know it is you under there. Now the question is where is the real Kazekage, or did you kill him." Hiruzen thinks. "That is true. The Anbu guards also help for the less intelligent bandits." The Hokage responds. "...Well, I think I should make my speech so we can start this exam." The Hokage says as he stands up.

The crowd goes silent as they wait for the Hokage to speak. "Greetings to all of the hidden Leaf's guests and our residents. Today we will watch the new generation try to prove their strength. I hope they are full of the Will of Fire just like the past generations, and may they surpass us all in the way of the Shinobi... Now I ask you to please take your seats for the finales will now begin." The Hokage finishes.

"You have always given quite good speeches Lord Hokage." The Kazekage compliments.

"Thank you, Lord Kazekage." Hiruzen responds.


With Naruto

"The third and final exam of this year's Chunin exams will now begin. Everyone but Sai of Konoha and Ino Yamanaka please exit the arena, and head to the spectator balcony." Naruto announced.

A few minutes later Sai and Ino were the only ones left on the battlefield. "First match of the Third Exam Begin!" Naruto shouts.

Ino and Sai had what could be called an amazing fight. Ino showed skill in poisons, her clans jutsu, Genjutsu, and even some strategy she most likely picked up from Shikamaru. She easily showed enough skill to be promoted to Chunin, but she couldn't beat Sai. Sai used his ink jutsu with a high skill level. No matter what Ino threw at him he would always be ready. The fight dragged on for a while, but Sai eventually caught Ino in another one of his ink traps. He put his tanto to her neck and won the battle.

"Winner of the first match Sai of Konoha." Naruto announced. Both participants in the battle showed enough intelligence and skill to be promoted to Chunin.

"Will Shikamaru Nara and Temari Sabaku please come down to the arena." Naruto said. A few minutes later both fighters were standing across from each other. "Fighters ready?... Begin."

This fight was a battle of strategy. Shikamaru showed his intelligence by using very impressive strategies involving his shadows. He even used his jacket as a parachute to extend his shadow at one point. Eventually he lured Temari into a trap using shadows of kunai to increase his distance. He caught Temari in his shadow and forced her to surrender when he started using his shadow to choke her.

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