Retribution for the Dead.

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The day after Naruto returned, he left for Tenchi bridge with Yugao. Their mission was to find Sasori's spy and capture them. They were allowed to kill if the situation calls for it, but Naruto doubts it will get to that point.

They arrived at Tenchi bridge early and made a plan. Naruto would transform into Sasori using his unique transformation technique. He would then talk to the spy and make sure he wasn't followed. If shit hit the fan, he would give a signal to Yugao and she would come in as back up. With the two of them their the mission would be easy.

Naruto and Yugao were waiting in the treeline. The spy was due to arrive in 2 hours.

"So Naru, you never told me about the Sand mission." Yugao starts.

"Well, the mission was pretty simple. We went to the Sand village and found Gaara's trail. Then we chased the Akatsuki. Itachi and Kisame tried to delay us by possessing the bodies of Sand nin..." Naruto started.

"Wait, you fought Itachi?" Yugao interrupted.

"That is what I said." Naruto states casually.

"Did you have a happy reunion?" Yugao asks.

"It was nice to see him again." Naruto said.

"That's good. I hope he's been okay while on his mission." Yugao says.

"He's fine. Besides his mission is almost over. Any way we then found the actual Akatsuki members. They were Deidara the Mad Bomber and Sasori of the Red Sand. Deidara flew away from the scene with Gaara's body. Kakashi, Sai, and Sasuke chased after him. They fought him, but he got away. They did retrieve Gaara though. Meanwhile I fought Sasori. I killed him, and Gaara was brought back to life by one of the elders of the village. Her name was Lady Chiyo, and she sacrificed herself to bring Gaara back." Naruto reported.

"How was the fight with Sasori?" Yugao asked.

"He was a tricky bastard. Even managed to stab me in the chest with his Kazekage puppet's magnet release, and his poison was deadly. it almost knocked me on my ass and I'm a Jinchuriki. In the end he wasn't strong enough to defeat me though." Naruto said.

"Only you could be so casual about beating and S-Rank opponent." Yugao says.

"He is the sixth S-Rank I've killed. I feel the same way I did after I killed the first. Indifferent. Ending someone's life isn't an enjoyable task, but they were too corrupt to be left alive." Naruto responded.

Yugao studies him. "Who are the six S-Ranks? I only remember five." Yugao says.

Naruto counts on his hand. "Yakko, Yagura, Danzo, Mangetsu, Rasa, and Sasori." Naruto says. "Actually, I don't know If Danzo counts. He may have had powerful techniques, but his overall skill was not S-Rank." Naruto says.

"Whatever you say Naru." Yugao says with amusement.


Two hours later Naruto felt a chakra signature enter his range.

"The spy is here. Get into position." Naruto orders. Yugao jumps into the nearest tree and masks her signature.

Naruto makes one hand seal and his body morphs into Sasori's first puppet named Hiruko. He then makes a clone and starts adjusting his voice. Once the clone gave him a nod he stopped. He was now Sasori of the Red Sand member of the akatsuki.

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