Innocence of the Kin Slayer.

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Naruto left to meet Itachi two days before the scheduled time. They were meeting at an old Uchiha hideout that dated back to the warring clans' era. Naruto wanted to scout out the hideout before he met with the Uchiha. He figured they would have to fight off at least Kisame, but if the Akatsuki really suspected Itachi at all then they might have to fight one or two more members.

Naruto arrived at the hideout and looked around. The hideout was a large series of underground hallways that are hidden in a mountain with multiple levels shown on the outside. On top of the mountain is a building. In the building there is a meeting room where a throne with the Uchiha symbol was.

Naruto made 20 shadow clones. He ordered the clones to scout the area and make a map of the base. He then made 20 more clones and ordered them to transform into animals or objects to make a perimeter. These clones would notify him when Itachi and Kisame arrived.

Naruto then made himself at home in one of the spare rooms in the hideout. He made himself dinner and prepared to bring his brother home. He sharpened all his tri-ponged kunai, and his sword. Then he worked on a few seals he might need in the upcoming battle.


The next day Naruto was meditating when he received memories from one of his clones. Itachi and Kisame were ten miles away and would arrive very soon. Naruto stood up and put on his kitsune mask. Naruto walked into the meeting room and sat on the throne.

Itachi arrived three hours later. He walked into the meeting room and saw Naruto waiting for him. Naruto was sitting with his elbows on his knees and one of his hands lazily against his face while his other arm hung loosely off his knee.

"Hello Itachi." Naruto says.

"You're as dramatic as ever little brother." Itachi replied with a small smirk.

"Well, I thought I should make our meeting more interesting." Naruto said jokingly. "What did you tell Kisame?"

"I told him I was fighting you to the death to resolve our rivalry." Itachi said.

"I sense another chakra signature not far from him. It is Deidara the Mad Bomber. I remember his signature from Suna." Naruto stated.

"It seems Pain was suspicious of me." Itachi says. "I suspected they didn't trust me ever since the failed capture of the five tails three years ago."

"I'm guessing after your distraction in Suna failed so quickly, and you asking to come here pushed them over the edge." Naruto observed.

"It would seem so." Itachi replied.

"I can take the Mad Bomber while you take Kisame. I assume you want to resolve things with your partner?" Naruto said.

"Yes, I will fight Kisame, but I might use my eyes to much during the fight. You might have to carry me back." Itachi said.

"Well when we get back, I have a solution to your eye problem. You still have Shisui's left eye, right?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, but without his right one I can't obtain Eternal light." Itachi replied.

"I have his other one. I got it from Danzo after I killed him a few years back." Naruto said.

"Then getting his eyes will be very beneficial. Thank you, Naruto." Itachi replied.

"It's no problem, but if you're going to be fighting the Akatsuki with me then you should get out of their attire." Naruto said as he unsealed an Anbu uniform with a weasel mask. "I had Cougar make a uniform your size, and I have kept a few of your old masks around. The old man didn't let anyone take a Weasel mask until you either died or returned, so you can come back to the Anbu when you return if that's what you want."

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