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Our studios are getting more and more famous after its opening and we were happy about that. Niki and I were managing them pretty well and the members would sometimes Stop by our studio and would buy us food. It was the privilege of being the youngest in the group and we were enjoying it.

Today I left early to go to the dorm as jin oppa told me, father told jimin that I left the house and now he is freaking out. So I am going to calm him down and tell him everything. I reached the dorm and jin oppa was already at the door waiting for me I hugged him and then we went in. The second I entered I was engulfed in a breathtaking hug by jimin. After breaking the hug we all sat down.

I told him everything about what happened but not anything about my health issues. He was already freaking out after learning about the marriage thing, then he would definitely have a hard time with those issues of mine, so I didn't tell him. He was about to confront father but thanks to jin oppa he stopped. All the other members also understood my situation and supported my decision.

I also told them about the studios and they were all really happy and told me they would visit someday. After that I left and went home and explained everything to Jay and Niki, who knew everything about the whole deal.

After that thing, days went by a lot easily but the thing was my feelings and emotions were giving me a hard time. Every time I am alone with sunghoon, I can't help but be awkward and steal glances of him. I was feeling different around him and living in the same house wasn't helping me either.

The thing which was disturbing me the most was that he was now against the marriage, when in the start he was all ready. What happened to that and there were many questions but I couldn't find answers to them. But I was sure that there was something he was feeling too, cause every time it's not only me but he is awkward too, he also keeps smiling too, he is behaving differently too.

I came back out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I took a look and it was jimin who was calling me. I picked the call and before I could say anything he started talking.

" Just now I got a call from dad and he told me that he has arranged a party" he said. " So, what does he want from you" I asked. " He wants me to come and you too" he replied.

" No, I am not going. It could be a trap too, what if I go there and he announced the wedding date and locked me up till then" I said thinking about all the possibilities.

" The party is for mom. It's held in her memory, to remember her" he told me. "But why " I asked. " I know jieun what you are thinking but just so you know you have me. I won't sit ideally if dad tries to do something like that." He assured me and I knew it was his way to tell me to come.

" Okay then I will see you there" I told him and cut the call. I immediately told this to Niki and Jay. And to my surprise they told me all of our friends got invitations for the party including Sarang.

I got ready in a party dress and decided to go with Niki as Jay was going to pick Sarang. Others said they were already there, waiting for us to arrive. The whole ride I couldn't help but overthink about everything and anything that came to my mind. Niki tried to calm me down and it worked as he knows everything about me, so it wasn't hard for him.

We entered the party and were searching for our friends including Jay and Sarang who reached before us. We were shocked when suddenly everyone came from behind us, startling us. I looked at everyone and all of them were looking good but sunghoon was looking a lot more handsome than anyone else.

" Jieun why don't you go and meet the guests with your father" heeseung asked Sarang, whom others think as park jieun.

" Umm, what" she nervously asked.

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