Prof. Sadie Lockhart

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"Hello? Mr. Everdeen? It's Professor Lockhart, can you let me in please? there was something in your handwritten essay I need to discuss with you really quick, i know your smoking in there, if we can discuss this i wont say a word!"

Sadie Lockhart was her name. I put out my joint and opened the door.

J :" Good morning Ms. Lockhart, how can I help you today?"

Sadie sits on my dorm mates bed across the room, still there's only 4 feet of distance.

S :" Well Mr. Everdeen to be honest I noticed some writing you perhaps didn't intend for me to see... ahem... "J+S is better than sex" I realize the J is your first initial but you don't have any classmates with me that have S as their first initial... only person with an S would be me... so i need to know are you implying that a relationship between us would be... "better than Sex"?"

My stomach dropped... how could I be so stupid to write that on my essay! I felt so embarrased I could feel my face getting more red by the second.

J :" I... U-Uh... y-yes Ma'am I'm sorry..."

S :" Okay, thank you for the clarification... and while I am flattered, unfortunately such a relationship is forbidden as long as you are a student here... if the circumstances were different I would consider it, but the best I can do is be your "Date" to the campus Holiday dinner. you see, the professors pick a partner to go to the dinner as a way of connecting to build a better professional relationship, however there's an odd number of staff which leaves me as the odd one out, but, we can have dinner and instead of professional bonding we can establish a friendship of sorts if you'd like to go of course."

I was truly dumbfounded did my professor just ask me on a date? how could I say no to that?!

J :" S-Sure thing, I'd love to go Professor!"

S :" Well great I suppose I'll see you tomorrow night at 8:30! it's a formal dinner so dress nice ill be wearing a green dress so maybe match or find a color that clashes well, oh and before I forget, there's going to be an open bar, so don't forget your Drivers License, and James..."

J :"y-yes?"

S :"Please call me Sadie for the rest of the Winter Break."

J :"will do... Sadie"

She got up as I opened the door for her to leave, it was difficult not to notice her nipples poking through her blouse thanks to the open window, I knew I was down bad for this woman, as she passed me I could get a whiff of cherry off her lovely auburn hair, I closed the door and immediately punched the air in victory, I was beyond happy. excitedly I went to the window and continued to finish my joint. afterwards I called up my mom and told her that I have a holiday dinner on campus and would need a nice suit, she was happy to know I wouldn't be completely alone on Christmas Eve and was happy to help. i walked for 30 minutes to the nearest store that sold suits and after 2 hours and a money transfer from my mother i was rocking a sweet black and gold suit that looked like something out of a fantasy book.

Plumping Up The Professor Part 1: Freshman yearWhere stories live. Discover now