Returning the Favor/ An Unexpected Visitor

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When we arrived back at my room, we began picking up our clothes and wrappers from last night. After about 5 minutes the floor was spotless, I sat on my bed and took a moment to process what had happened in the shower. The longer I thought about it the more I couldn't help but smile like a goober. My train of thought was interrupted by Sadie's ass being inches away from my face. My instinct kicked in as I pulled her on top of me, as if by natural reaction, she straddled my hips and we began dry-humping. as we grinded against each other, she leaned forward and began kissing me. I grabbed her ass with one hand and used the other to caress her cheek while we continued to makeout, the entire time she continued grinding her ass against me.

S:"Is somebody ready for round 2 already?"

"why don't we take off our pants and find out?"

S:"hehe slow your roll there big guy, I believe It's my turn, and I wanna ride the moustache express~"

"Well that would be a fair trade then wouldn't it~"

I began pulling off her sweatpants slowly, our tongues still playing tonsil tennis. What would've taken 5 seconds ended up taking 15, as badly and as desperately as I wanted to taste her southern lips, I also didn't want to just go down and go at it, I wanted to build her up in order to give her one hell of a moustache ride. Immediately I began thinking back to my "Sex Studies" thinking of all the erogenous zones of a woman's body, within an instant I flipped her on her back, and crawled over her, I went in and started with her lips, kissing them gently, tenderly. Meanwhile I took her hands and held them above her head by the wrists, I worked my lips lower to her neck, while I used my free hand to caress her waist, it felt right. There was a sense of familiarity when I ran my hand along her curves. I looked into her bright blue eyes before asking her...

" Do you trust me Sadie?"

She stared back at me and paused for a moment, I knew right then and there, that I had just asked one of the biggest questions of our relationship. finally she responded...

S:"I trust you James, now take me to the top of the world~"

Grinning back at her, I grabbed my tie hanging on my bedpost and tied her hands to the headboard. Now both my hands were free. I continued to kiss her neck, while my hands went to work, caressing her waist, moving down to her thighs and lifting her legs to my side. Sadie then wrapped her legs around me as I continued on. I worked my way further down, kissing her collar, her moans gradually getting more intense. I stop at her breasts and gently begin to massage her nipples, her body was getting hotter in my hands by the second, would I push her past the point of sweating buckets? Only the right moves could accomplish such a goal and I was determined to soak these sheets. I stopped massaging one nipple and latched my lips to the side of her breasts, I bit gently at first waiting for a reaction, Sadie arched herself against me...

S:"mark me big guy~ make me yours~ I wanna see teeth marks~

I bit down hard, causing Sadie to moan loudly, and buck her hips into the mattress. Her breathing got heavier the longer I bit down, and after 20 seconds I pulled away revealing a big set of teeth marks. I worked my way back up, and started sucking on Sadie's neck, leaving a big ass hickey. My fingers grazed her thigh as I traced them up towards her pussy. Meanwhile I continued leaving love bites all over her, Her moans only got louder as I went on, before long she began to pant heavily, her body writhing with pleasure. Soon she had bite marks on her tits, her belly, her hips, and even her thighs. It was safe to say she had started sweating when I got to her back where I left marks on her back, her ass alone had at least 6-8 bites on it. I took my fingers and ran them along her cunt, she was dripping, the sheets were wet with her juices, and it only turned me on more. I then lifted her ass and threw her legs over my shoulders, her asshole lined up with the top of my nose and her pussy lined with my mouth, I decided to have some fun with this. Immediately I began to make out with her lips, my tongue slipping up and down her slit. her juices were sublime as she practically gushed with every orgasm she had. I went at her juiciness like a dog dying of thirst, licking every inch of her walls, nibbling her lips and her clit, it was true bliss. by the time I had finished, Sadie was a drenched, soaking wet mess. i flipped her onto her back again, meeting her gaze before...


"what the hell? Sadie I thought you said everyone left..." I whispered

S:"I swear I thought so too but obviously not"

Sadie and I panicked, someone was right outside the dorm room my first instinct was to hide sadie, in a rush I undid the tie and hid sadie under my bed behind the storage containers, I threw on a pair of pants, my sweatshirt, and braced myself before opening the door to see Prof. Smith.

"Uh, Shen- i mean Mr. Smith!!! hey, Merry Christmas man!"

SS:" Hey bud Merry Christmas to you too! sorry to drop by unannounced, just wanted to know if I could come in for a minute...

I knew if I said no he'd be suspicious...

"Sure come on in!"

SS:"Thanks Bud, so... listen I have to ask... but at dinner I couldn't help but notice you and Sadie kinda left in the same direction after dinner, and I just need to know... did you guys sleep together?"

"No sir... she was plastered, and sleeping with someone under the influence is not my thing... she needed help walking and since my room was closer she crashed with me. she actually slept in Kevin's Bed, but nothing sexual happened"

SS:"Alright James, I believe you kiddo, but between you and I. you two make a pretty cute couple..."


SS:"All I'm gonna say is if you guys are an item of sorts and do engage in any physical activity... then your secret is safe with me. I like you kid, and I saw the way Sadie was making eyes at you last night... she is into you dude! I wouldn't hesitate to jump at the opportunity."

"Well you see sir... i kinda already... jumped..."

SS:"what do you mean?"

Sadie shoves her hand out from under the bed and waves at Shen...

S:"Hi Shen... Merry Christmas!"

SS:"Sadie? why are you hiding?"

"well sir we were kinda in the middle of something..."

Shen took a second to realize... and then it clicked...



SS:"well then I will just go ahead and let myself out... you kids have fun... and like I said my lips are sealed..."

"See you later sir you have a good day..."


As I closed the door, Sadie and I began Cackling in relief... it was nice to know we had an ally rooting for us...

Plumping Up The Professor Part 1: Freshman yearWhere stories live. Discover now