Best Gift Ever!

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later that evening it was time to open our gifts, one by one the professors and other staff went up and grabbed their gifts, everyone was about as hammered as us, even Professor Smith fell over and avoided injury somehow, the gifts were beyond my expectations though, people were opening things like beer bongs, hot sauce gift bundles, the least interesting gift was a gift card to a bookstore from Professor Cunningham, but then again he was always the stick in the mud type. finally Sadie Stumbled up to the tree to grab the gift she had gotten for me, the entire time the rest of the staff were just as hammered as we were and we all giggled like kids because at this point everyone had tripped or fallen into the pile of fake snow around the tree, on her way back she continued giggling as she handed me my gift, it was a big black and white gift bag with lime green tissue paper, as i dug into the bag i felt glass, not shattered glass but something familiar, but there was absolutely no way the hottest teacher in the school bought me a bong for Christmas. Much to my disbelief i pulled out a big glass bong that was green with gold glitter in the mouthpiece and the reservoir, immediately i was noticing a theme with green and gold. The rest of the staff all cheered.

"Woah look at that piece"
"lucky kid!"
"you better share haha"

I was surprised by the oddly positive reception, I figured someone would've taken it from me on the spot but I was completely wrong, I looked to Sadie and smiled.

"Sadie this is amazing how did you find this?"

s:"Well after we spoke yesterday I figured I'd go shop for y-your gift, I p-passed a smoking shop, saw it in the window and fffigured you would like it! do you?"

"S-sadie i love it! thank you!"

The dinner wrapped up and we finished our food, as everyone left the dining hall, Sadie and I went back to my Dorm room.

"Sadie I gots ta ask, have you ever smoked weed before?"

S:" hehe no but I'm open to trying it"

"Then I'll pack us a bowl and we can try it tonight"

S:" Hell YeAh lets smoke!'

We arrived at the room and Sadie fell over onto my dorm mates bed, kicking off her heels, I flicked on the TV and found King of the hill on one of the cable channels. after that I filled the bong and packed the bowl before returning to my date.

S:" ohhh I love King Of The Hill!

"heh me too! also this bad boy is ready to fire up!"

I pulled up a couple chairs to the window with my space heater and a small fan aimed out the window, I instructed Sadie on how to hit a bong since she was a Virgin at it, but after showing her the technique she took a hit like a pro and then proceeded to cough really hard. we were both so drunk and blazed, I had taken my coat and vest off along with my tie, leaving my button up on with the top 3 buttons undone. along with my pants. However Sadie had started to take off her dress.

S:"hey d-do you ha-have a change of c-c-clothes I can borrow?"

"yeah l-let me grab you something"

I dug through my clean clothes and found an old sweatshirt and sweatpants that I hadn't seen in awhile, when I turned to hand them to Sadie she had gone completely topless, her pale skin glowed in the dim light of the room, her nipples weren't the average pink that would be common for a woman like her, instead they were almost a caramel hue, but they were still very beautiful. this woman in my eyes had zero flaws, everything about her was amazing, and i truly would love her thick or thin, i snapped out for a brief moment to hand her the clothes i had found.

S:"Oh thanks love, I forgot I asked for clothes!"

"hehe no problem"

I turned back around my face burning hot, had I really seen my professors tit's? was I really smoking weed with her? and did she seriously confess she wanted to gain weight? it was like my dreams were coming true... it was then I had felt a tap on my shoulder.


S:"I'm really hungry... that dinner wasn't very filling, is there anything here I can eat?"

"Yeah sure let me heat up a couple frozen pizzas to share"

S:" ooh that sounds great! wait! do you have shredded cheese?

"I sure do"

S:" can you put a lot on mine? I love cheese!"

"sure can Sadie"

After about 15 minutes the pizzas were ready to eat, I handed Sadie her pizza and she immediately dug in, she wasn't kidding about being hungry either, she was ravenous, didn't even care that the oil from the pizza was smearing all around her mouth. I just stared in amazement, halfway through the pizza she begged for a drink, luckily for me I liked soda so I offered her a 2-liter Lemon-Lime drink.

she took letting go seriously, after her pizza was gone, she still had plenty of soda left, she lifted her shirt and her once flat tummy was sticking out, it looked like she was pushing it out, but she insisted she was still starving. Thinking on my feet I started throwing things together, after 20 minutes I had made a big bowl of mac'n'cheese, 2 more frozen pizzas with extra cheese piled on, and 2 more sodas, this time orange, and cherry cola. she stared at the little feast I prepared, her darting glance told me she couldn't tell where to start.

S:"pick something for me I can't decide~"

"I recommend the mac and cheese with cherry cola!"

S:" feed it to me~"

I didn't even hesitate, I sat down and grabbed a big spoon from my plasticware, and began feeding her big spoonful's of cheesy pasta goodness, she moaned as she swallowed every bite, she pulled her shirt up once again, and this time held it up. I watched as her food baby quickly grew, as I began rubbing her tummy, I could feel it get tighter after every bite, cheese slowly covered her face as cheesy noodles fell of the spoon and onto her chest, her breasts covered in cheese sauce, and pizza grease from earlier, soon we finished the mac and cheese and she polished it off with the last of the cherry cola, following it up with a big belch so loud it could be heard from the other side of the building. eagerly she reached for the pizzas but she was too full to move, I picked up one of the square shaped pizzas and folded it like a taco before feeding it to her, she began to moan again as the grease dribbled down her neck, I was incredibly turned on by her massive appetite, truly dumbfounded. the more she ate the more her entire midsection bloated up and tightened, by the time all the food was finished, her stuffed belly was nearly rock solid, but slightly sloshy from all the soda that was also packed in, it was a miracle she didn't throw up with all the liquor in her system, she was finally full.

S:"James... I'm absolutely huge, but I want one more thing from you~"

"W-Whats that Sadie?"

S:"I want you to take me right here right now, whatever happens stays between us... I want that beef log you've been hiding all evening, and don't act like you don't know what I mean, I've had the hots for you since the start of the semester... it only makes sense since were only a couple years apart... and You're the older one, so even though I'm wasted as hell and high as shit, I want you to fuck me while I'm still full.

I was conflicted... between my own sex drive and my morals, the two of them were fighting it out in my head, however, in the end my morals won.

"While its a very tempting offer I can't bring myself to have sex with someone who's drunk, but if you still feel this way tomorrow, I will be more than happy to ravage you..."

S:"S-uch a *hiccup* gentlema-an, very well then hot stuff... I'll see you in the morning~"

Sadie fell back on my roommates bed and slipped into an alcohol, weed, and food induced sleep, I covered her with my roomates sheets, and lowered the TV Volume before changing into my pajamas and getting into my own bed and falling asleep. as I fell asleep the clock struck 12:00am it was officially christmas day...

Plumping Up The Professor Part 1: Freshman yearWhere stories live. Discover now