My Girlfriend the Professor?

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I woke up the next morning, and looked outside to see snow falling, it was Christmas Day. I looked over my room and could see snack cake wrappers strewn across the floor, along with parts of my suit and with Sadie's green dress, her black lace bra draped over the chair for my desk, taking a moment to process everything, I stood up and went to the window, opening it to smoke a bowl out of my latest Christmas gift, just then I heard Sadie turn over in her bed.

My head was throbbing but it wasn't anything that a bowl couldn't fix. I lit the bowl up and took a hit, you could call it a placebo effect but I was already starting to feel much better. Before continuing to smoke, I put the bong down and went over to my nightstand drawer and grabbed some ibuprofen and a bottled water from my mini fridge, and sat it on the nightstand next to Sadie. For a brief moment, I found myself staring at her, her hair was a mess, her face was still covered in makeup, which had smeared onto my roommates pillowcase, along with the grease and cheese sauce from last night's binge session. There was also chocolate smeared on her lips from the formerly unopened pack of Swiss Rolls. Sadie was out cold, drooling heavily, her saliva running down her cheek, eyeshadow smudged into a golden raccoon mask, and yet I still loved her.

The silence of the moment had been broken by the sound of her stomach still digesting all the food, a loud growling, churning sound echoed throughout the room. curiosity took over as i pulled the sheets off gently, and what I saw was unbelievable, her stomach was still packed tight, and in fact looked bigger on account of the snack cakes... the biggest difference was the shape of her belly instead of her lower and upper stomach looking packed tight, only her lower stomach was packed, last night it looked like a pillow full of food, and now it looked like an over inflated basketball. I pulled the sheets back over her and let her sleep longer, tempted to make breakfast I pulled out my hot plate and skillet and made a whole 12 pack of eggs and a whole pack of bacon. As I had finished making everything I felt Sadie's breasts and her belly press into me.

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep okay?"

S:"Yeah but i feel groggy and my head is pounding..."

"Grogginess is normal after a night of smoking weed, did you take the ibuprofen i left on the nightstand?"

S:"mhmm, um James if I might ask, why am I naked under these clothes, and why is my stomach so distended?"

I filled Sadie in on everything I could remember.

S:" so wait let me make sure I heard right... we got drunk, and I exposed my fantasy of gaining weight, and the fact that I had a crush on you?"


S:"and we came here to smoke weed, and then you fed me 3 pizzas and a whole family sized box of mac and cheese?"

"And a total of six liters of soda"

S:"okay, and then I came onto you, but you said no because I was drunk and that posed a moral dilemma?"

"That is correct"

S:".....even though you had already seen me naked?"

"Not entirely... just your breasts, I turned around before you flashed your downstairs business"

S:"well I appreciate the restraint on the intercourse, and seeing as the metaphorical cat is out of the bag, I do feel a tad embarrassed..."

"If it helps at all, the feeding part was pretty hot, considering you were moaning a majority of the time."


"You certainly did"

S:"M-Must've been good food then heh"

Plumping Up The Professor Part 1: Freshman yearWhere stories live. Discover now