Movie's and Stains

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I stared in awe at the amount of snacks Sadie had piled by her feet, so many bags of chips, boxes of snack cakes, sodas, and so much more, on top of that was the stuff she'd grabbed from the back seat, it was a miracle she didn't see the 2 cakes i had bought her for later. almost instantly she started in on the snack cakes and opened the jug of milk, it was strange still to see a girl who just a couple days ago seemed so far out of my league, was now in my car scarfing down swiss rolls like they were nothing and chugging a gallon of milk like there was no tomorrow.

*Marks voice came on the loud speaker*

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, todays film will be 1984's "Gremlins"! we have concessions available, hot buttery popcorn, fresh hot dogs grilled by yours truly and more, as well as warm condiments and even hot cocoa and candy for the kiddos! and for the holidays we have special kettle corn drizzled with fudge and peppermint chunks as a sweet treat that tastes like Christmas. the movie will begin in 10 minutes, we at "Marks drive in theater" would like to thank you for your patronage, and wish you all a merry Christmas."

S: "Oooh James can we get food here too? pretty please?

"Heheh your taking this new diet pretty serious eh? how can I say no to that cute face, want me to just get two of everything?"

S: "well not EVERYTHING silly... but maybe 2 large popcorns one with chocolate and peppermint and the other with extra extra extra butter, 2 large hot cocoa's, 4 hotdogs full of condiments, maybe 4 boxes of candy and see if they have nachos and if they do can you get 2 orders piled with jalapenos I'm in the mood for something spicy as well"

"is this all for you big girl"

S: "of course not.... you can have a hot cocoa."

We both laughed before i got out to run to concessions. About 8 minutes later i returned to the car with two trays full of food, Sadie grabbed hers before i climbed into the car, food still piping hot, once things were settled into place, she didn't hesitate to pop open her hot cocoa and drink almost a quarter of the 44 ounce cup. she then caught me off guard by taking the last 5 packs of swiss rolls and proceeded to drop them into her cocoa, and mixed them up into what i could only describe as chocolate mud. she took a pack of Oreos from the backseat and crushed a few into the sludge before mixing it again, giving it the appearance of dirt mixed with snow, i knew what she was doing as soon as she grabbed the gummy worms and threw the whole bag in. she had made a Dirt 'n' Worms hot cocoa. Sadie had the biggest smile on her face, like a kid getting a new toy. she quickly started chugging the concoction she had made, Oreo crumbs and chocolate sludge began dripping from the sides of her mouth and onto her new shirt. slowly I could see her belly continue to expand. she finished her massive treat just before the countdown to start the movie had finished, and expressed her satisfaction with a loud belch, what came next wasn't expected but didn't bother me at all. Sadie's belly rumbled violently causing Sadie to grip her stomach in discomfort.

"Sadie are you okay?"

S: "uh i-i uh  i may need to fart... its a big one..."

"Oh... okay rip away!"

S: "James, I'm too nervous... I'm worried it'll smell horrible and it'll turn you off"

"It'll take a lot more than some fart to chase me off. you may also need to poop since your not used to eating this much everyday... and if your going to stay on it you should get used to pooping more often..."

S: "I suppose you're right... but i know for sure this is a fart..."

"Okay then, how about this, just so you don't feel embarrassed, ill fart with you since I've been holding one back all morning, that okay?

S: "Well... i suppose its okay... aren't you worried about the smell though?"

"Not really... I've been in a morgue before as a kid numerous times, a fart is like daisies to me now, and this car has had its share of foul smells... i doubt a fart is going to be worse than moldy nachos..."

S: "okay first of all eww, secondly i don't want to know where those nachos were, lets just fart and get it over with"

BOTH: "one... two... THREE!!!"


Our farts were deafeningly loud, luckily we had the windows up otherwise the concession workers would've heard us for sure. Sadie Sighed and moaned in relief as she patted her big belly. One thing i didn't expect at all was to actually enjoy the smell, and even stranger was that Sadie did too... we sat there for a minute inhaling our mixed fumes. Sadie leaned over to give me a big fat kiss on the lips, smiling as she pulled away. She handed me her 4 hotdogs and looked me dead in the eyes and asked me to feed them to her, of course I agreed to this with no hesitation, i brought the first hotdog to her lips, the tip of the frank brushing her lips leaving a little ketchup on them. she took one big bite, ketchup, mustard, onions, and relish all staining her mouth, and Sadie didn't even care. she grabbed all the napkins that were given with the food and she threw them carelessly into the back seat, as she continued eating her hotdogs more condiments fell and stained her clothes, the excess of condiments joining the oreo crumbs from earlier rolling further down her clothes, starting just at her neck, and slowly staining lower and lower, within seconds her chest was coated in the remains of her caloric triumph.

Stains covered nearly the entire front of her shirt, but of course we were nowhere near finished. after her hotdogs were completely gone, she wanted the popcorn next and so she grabbed the bucket of extra extra extra butter as requested, and began shoveling handful after handful into her mouth. butter had now joined the hall of stains, her shirt had now become nothing more than a condiment catcher, a glorified napkin of sorts. through out the consumption of her buttery treat i could notice her fingers dripping with butter, soo i could hear her nails sloshing the butter in the bucket, she looked down in disappointment that the popcorn was gone, then she smiled as she put the bucket to her lips and drank the excess butter, this time she leaned forward just enough for the butter to dribble down her neck and under her shirt. all i could imagine in that moment was the idea of her tits glistening with salty popcorn butter.

Her greedy piggy appetite didn't end there as she dug into the Jalapeno nachos, loaded with cheese sauce, shredded BBQ pork, jalapenos, and even more jalapenos. she dug into the soggy cheesy mass, allowing for BBQ sauce and cheese sauce to drip onto her sleeved napkin. when she finished the 2 nachos she finally leaned back in her seat and let out a guttural belch and one more gassy fart. the smell was indescribable but oddly pleasant. Sadie had turned me onto something i didn't even know i wanted in a girlfriend and i wasn't disappointed.

I immediately took off her shirt and bagged it before rubbing her swollen belly, it was odd how I had seen her eat so much, yet I had no idea where she had been putting it all... finally Sadie spoke up.


S: "I-I... I think i... *BWOOOOORP*  may have *HIC* overdid it..."

Sadie said as she began falling into a food coma. she leaned her seat back and grabbed my emergency fleece blanket and draped it over her butter tits. as she fell asleep i gathered all the trash that was left, and tossed it into the trash just outside the car. as Sadie took her nap I started in on my hotdog and slush. I always had a thing for drinking slushies in the winter.

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