So Many Calories

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I pulled Sadie in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back softly, before going low and smacking her ass. She gasped and let out a little moan as we made out, some time later we were laying together on my bed, spending quality time, however it wouldn't last much longer.


I looked at Sadie... Sadie looked at me

S:"I may or may not be starving..."

"Oh yeah? Wanna see what's open? I'll have to restock on my snacks here before I make food again."

S:"Sure I'll look around town and you do the same"

"You got it!"

We got on our phones and started checking around town for places that were open, a majority of the places were family owned Chinese restaurants, some burger joints, fried chicken, and a couple of authentic restaurants from other countries like Greece, Africa.... but then after searching for almost 40 minutes... we found it... Whole Hog BBQ Buffet! 24/7 smoker cooking constantly, Ribs, burnt ends, burgers, sausages, even juicy pork loin and turkey legs... it wasn't cheap but we could afford it.

"What about endless barbeque? plenty of grease, all the cookout sides you want, endless meats to your hearts content! whatcha think?"

S:"I'm fucking salivating, that sounds so good, my mouth is literally flooding!"

"heheh I guess it's a barbeque Christmas after all, c'mon lets get ready to go."

Within minutes we were dressed and out the door, even while wearing my clothes I could still tell Sadie's belly was still kind of distended from last night. we both left my room wearing sweats because that was comfortable and warm enough. on our way to my car we were stopped by none other than Mr. Cunningham...

MC: "Well good day you two, Merry Christmas!"

S&J: "Merry Christmas Hector!"

MC: "Now what brings you two out here together on this fine day?"

"Well sir, Ms. Lockhart and I are Heading out to lunch"

MC: "Oh? Where to?"

"Whole Hog Buffet"

MC: "Ah, very well then, I shall leave you two youngsters to it then! you two have fun!"

"Thank you sir, we'll see you around!"

S: "Have a nice day hector!"

We both took a sigh of relief once Hector was out of earshot, and power walked to my car. my car wasn't anything special, it wasn't a fancy electric car or anything, but instead a Honda minivan. Sadie and I hopped in and were off on our way!

S: "Hey... James?"

"yeah, what's up?"

S: "Do you really like me? i mean you're not just using me are you?"

"No of course not, i really do like you  Sadie, in fact I feel brave enough to say that I love you!"

S: "L-Love? as in you see a bigger future between us?"

"if you're implying marriage then id have to say its highly possible, you're beautiful, smart, funny... you love having fun and not to mention all the other things as well... your desire to be bigger, it shows me you're a very open minded woman, id love to find out what else you're into...


"Well yeah... d-does that scare you?"

S: "N-No i just never thought you were the settle down type..."

Plumping Up The Professor Part 1: Freshman yearWhere stories live. Discover now