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Beta: Erynlinia & Raina & Nautika & Tena & Oli & Aranel

Disclaimer: I own only the plot; Tolkien though was the one that created the great world of Middle Earth. I do not own the Lord of the Rings (and associated) book series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of the story.

First day... at night...

The twins noticed how cold the boy was as he shivered.

Elladan removed his cloak and placed it over Estel, hoping that would keep him warm from the cold air.

"H... hannon-le..." Estel thanked the twin, his voice stuttering.

"Do you wish me to read you a story?" Elladan knelt beside the boy as he moved his hand to rub his hair softly.

Estel nodded.

Elrohir stared at his twin as he held Estel tight to him, helping rid the cold of the night.

Elladan smiled as he noticed what his other half did, and then he remembered one story of many that his Adar told them once and decided to tell them.

"Elrohir," he called over his other half, "Do you remember the story of 'The Archer's Lesson' or was it something else?"

"I do not remember which one, but you can start to tell." Elrohir replied as he searched his mind for the tale.

"I want to hear it." Estel demanded.

Elladan was amazed at the boy's curiosity; he smiled and then started to speak of the tale.

"The Archer walked out of his kingdom, as he felt the need to find some food for his family. Evil creatures had crashed and burned everything that was in their paths, leaving the young archer and his family starved to death, as well as the rest of the remaining families who survive the attack." Elladan started, and stopped as he noticed how focused his twin and the boy were and some of the guards were doing the same, staring at him, waiting to hear more.

Elladan felt something pushing down on his chin and he lowered his head to find Estel staring at him and asked softly, "What is it, Estel?"

"Why did you stop?" Estel asked with his tiny sweet voice.

Elladan grinned and then he simply stared at the boy. He softly strokes his cheek, and continued with his tale.

"Where was I?" Elladan teased them.

Estel softly voice answered him before the rest react, "The... families... who survived the attack of these evil creatures..."

"Oh... right," Elladan gave him a large smile, "Thank you Estel."

Broken Spirit (LOTR Fanfiction General - Little Legolas, Family Drama)Where stories live. Discover now