8) candles

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Violet was spending time with Stefan when they heard a noise. "Uncle Stef did you hear that" Violet asked getting up causing Stefan to get up as well. "Stay behind me" Stefan said.

"What Uncle Stef" Violet said. "Stay behind me I don't care if you're a witch you could get hurt" Stefan said and Violet sighed before giving in. "Fine" Violet said.

Stefan closed the window seeing it was open. Stefan went to the living room when he once again heard the noise and Violet followed him but made sure to keep her distance.

"Damon" Stefan said. "Dad if this is you it's not funny" Violet said. Stefan heard the noise again and turned around only to be knocked down.

"Stefan" Violet said about to go to him, but Stefan stopped her.

"No Violet stay there" Stefan said. "But" Violet said. "I mean it" Stefan said and Violet sighed before doing as she was told.

Stefan vamp sped on his back when he saw a blonde vampire on top of him showing her fangs hissing. "Lexi" Stefan said. Lexi transformed back to her human form smiling.

"Hi" Lexi said. "What are you doing here" Stefan asked and Lexi helped him up.

"How could you even ask that" Lexi asked. Stefan and Lexi hugged, and Violet smiled at them. "I missed you" Stefan said and Lexi pulled away. "Hey Vi, beautiful as ever" Lexi said. "Thanks Lexi" Violet said. "Happy birthday" Lexi told Stefan.


Violet was in Stefan's room with Stefan and Lexi while they all caught up. "Stop I don't know okay if some freak shot at me with wooden bullets, I'd bail in under 60" Lexi said.

"And why is a news reporter hunting vampires" Lexi asked. "That's something we been trying to figure out" Violet said.

"I don't know, I don't know who knows about us I mean that guy did there could be others hey do me a favor while you're here please be careful" Stefan said.

"Oh, yay careful Lexi" Violet said sarcastically. "Why stay" Lexi asked. "I'm headed to New York for the weekend Bon Jovi in the garden wanted dead or alive it's our theme song it'll be a blast" Lexi said.

"Hey, do you think that he would actually remember us" Stefan asked.

"That was a pretty crazy weekend huh" Stefan said. "Wow wish I was alive back then, but I wasn't even born yet so" Violet said.

"We can make him remember us come on let's go" Lexi said. "I mean what's keeping you here" Lexi asked. "Besides a certain brunette" Violet said. 

"I told you her name is Elena" Stefan said. "Well let's hope she's better than the last girl you got all sprung over" Lexi said showing a picture of Katherine.

"You never know they could be twins" Violet said and Stefan got up taking the picture from Lexi.

"You didn't even know Katherine" Stefan said. "Me neither and you better be glad or not even you could hold me back from my witch powers" Violet said.

"Cause if I did, I'd kick her butt little witch" Lexi said. "Don't insult the witches" Violet said and Lexi smiled. "Sorry Vi" Lexi said. "Speaking of where's Damon" Lexi asked.

"Inflicting misery somewhere" Stefan said. "And yet he didn't invite me thanks dad" Violet said.

"Uh huh" Lexi said. "Hey um are you gonna be okay here alone" Stefan asked. "I got some things I gotta take care of and I need Violet's help" Stefan said.

"Well, it's not exactly like I can go anywhere, and you and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little daylight rings I have a mood ring from 75 trade ya" Lexi said.

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