10) getting the moonstone

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Stefan, Violet, and Damon went to Elena's and Stefan knocked on the door. Elena answered the door and saw Violet, Stefan, and Damon. "Hey uh can we talk" Stefan asked.

"Why" Elena asked. "We went to see Katherine" Damon said.

"Come on in" Elena said and Violet, Damon, and Stefan went in with Elena closing the door behind them.

They all went to the kitchen where Stefan and Damon told Elena what Katherine said to them.

You don't believe her do you" Elena asked. "No of course not we just want the moonstone" Damon said.

"According to Rose's friend slater there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break" Stefan said. "No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice ergo you live" Damon said.

"How do you destroy it" Elena asked. "By releasing it from the moonstone" Stefan said.

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work" Elena asked. "Because we have two crafty witches on our side" Damon said. "You discussed it with Bonnie and Violet" Elena asked.

"Elena if it keeps you safe that's all I care about you deserve to live a happy and safe life" Violet said.

"They both agreed to do anything they could to help us" Stefan said.

"It's Katherine who has the moonstone she's not gonna give it to you" Elena said. "We're gonna get it from her" Stefan said.

"Well, what he means to say is that we will pry it from her cold dead hand if we have to" Damon said.

"Bonnie or Vi just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in get the moonstone and get out in time for her to return it" Stefan said.

"Wow I mean it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out" Elena said.

"Yep, we're awesome" Damon said. "Don't jinx it" Violet said. "Except for one thing I don't want you to do it" Elena said.

"What are you talking about" Stefan asked. "Elena, we don't have a choice" Stefan said.

"What about Klaus" Elena asked. "We'll find him right after we get the moonstone" Stefan said. "Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about including the three of you" Elena asked.

"Lena if it means saving your life then it's worth dying over" Violet said. "Elena if we can de spell the moonstone, we can save your life" Stefan said.

"I know everyone keeps saying that" Elena said and left. "Well, I better get to school" Violet said.


Violet caught up with Jeremy at school. "So how did it go with Elena" Jeremy asked. "As well as expected," Violet said.

"Hey, the night at the masquerade" Jeremy said. "Yeah" Violet asked. "Do you remade our kiss" Jeremy asked. "Yeah of course I'm the one who kissed you" Violet said.

"Do you regret it" Jeremy asked. "No not one bit" Violet said. "Why do you" Violet asked. "No not at all" Jeremy said and Violet smiled.

"Good" Violet said, and Jeremy smiled. "Come on we have class" Violet said and Jeremy followed her.


Violet and Jeremy went back to the boarding house after school discussing the plan to get the moonstone.

"I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine" Bonnie said.

"How" Jeremy asked "it took both you and your grams last time and look what happened to her" Jeremy said. "I'll help her" Violet said. "And what if you die like she did" Jeremy asked.

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