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The next day, we took the bus back to the school to continue our normal boring classes.

Except it wasn't boring and it was never normal in the first place, because the final exams were coming up.

I wasn't worried, of course. At least, not about myself.

I was worried about Kitty.

"And you're feeling cheery why?" I questioned as she looked happier than ever at the fact that there was a possibility she'd flunk out of school. We were with Q, Dae, and Min Ho, who were clearly all wondering the same thing. 

"Because if I dwell on the fact that I was considered super-smart at home and here I can barely keep up, I will start sobbing." Kitty responded matter-of-factly.

"We have a week before finals. Everyone can help you study." Dae suggested. I could understand his enthusiasm. He and Kitty were finally together. All the drama had finally paid off.

Min Ho frowned instantly at the mention of 'everyone.' "I'm very busy, so—"

"Everyone." Dae emphasized with a firm look.

"You're busy doing what?" Q teased Min Ho. "Spending your precious quality time with Y/N?"

"Zip it, Q!" I retorted, shoving the back of his head. "Your boyfriend is failing out of school. Focus on that."

"OW!" he shrieked, slapping my hand away and running his fingers through his hair self-consciously. "And, ouch."

"Florian's failing out of school?" Kitty asked incredulously.

Min Ho and Dae's head did 180 turns as they came to terms with my words. "Florian's failing out of school?!"

"Jeez, Q." I sighed with sympathy at his situation.

"You're not going to flunk out, are you?" Min Ho asked me. "Because then all three of us in the dorm will be sad singles."

I blank stared him. "I'm overwhelmed by the amount of faith you have in me."

"You know I'm just asking."

"Why? Because you'll miss me?"

He chuckled. "Don't gaslight, sasaeng. You'd miss me more."

"I'd miss school lunch more than you."

"Admit you'd miss me a little."

I gasped sarcastically. "Step back, we have a genius." 

"Woah, okay, what is happening?" Kitty put her palms out between us. "What am I witnessing?"

"It's called straight people flirting, Kitty." I told her, rolling my eyes.

Q elbowed me as a warning. I decided to not elaborate.

After a long day of classes, we still had to help her study, and study for ourselves, too.

"Alright, so, what are the three natural laws that statistical thermodynamics postulate?"

Q was over in our dorm quizzing Kitty as I rewatched the new episodes of The Summer I Turned Pretty on my laptop while munching on nerds clusters.

"No natural laws! That's a trick question!" Kitty exclaimed, sitting up on the couch chair with her legs lying against the armrest.

"Correct! Okay, moving onto chemical compounds." Q sat on the couch chair next to her, flashcards in hand.

She switched positions with a pillow in her lap. "You'd think I'd be good at chemistry. It's basically matchmaking."

"Yeah, except, you know. People aren't chemicals." He looked a little concerned.

She nodded, looking a little distant. "Yeah. Once bonded, they don't stay united in fixed proportions."

I clicked the space bar very loudly to pause my show. 

"Okay, what's going on?" I demanded, taking my one in airpod out to listen.

Their heads snapped in my direction. I got up and plopped down on the couch across from them.

When they stayed silent, just looking at me, analyzing me and my moves through their gazes, I offered up my bag of nerds clusters. "Nerds clusters, anyone?"

Q glanced at Kitty pleadingly, and her eyes widened. I withdrew my nerds clusters back into my lap with narrowed eyes. "Okay, I'll take them back. I see how it is. I'm friends with haters."

No response.

I scoffed. "Seriously, what's going on? What are you guys hiding from me?"

"Nothing." Kitty answered shortly.

I zipped up my bag of nerds clusters.

I yeeted them at Q. 

They hit his face squarely with a splat.


"I don't appreciate when I'm the one who's left out in a trio." I snapped.

"Fine." Kitty interjected. "I had a certain dream about Yuri."

There was a pause.

They both stared at me with wide eyes.

I waved my arms in frantic hysterical hand motions before ending up in a sarcastic shrugging position. "That's it?"

"Yes, that's it," Kitty said too quickly.

"She's shoving down an immense crush on Yuri," Q told me at the same time. They looked at each other at the same time in alarm that they didn't say the same thing.

I burst out laughing. "Wow. Karma really is real."


"I mean, Dae and Yuri hurting you with a fake relationship? You and Yuri? Yuri and Julianna? Karma is coming after everyone. Damn, it's not even a love triangle anymore, it's a square."

"I was thinking more of a parallelogram," Q suggested. I ignored him.

"How do you think this is going to work out, Kitty?"

"What do you mean?"

"God, Kitty, you never think about these things, do you? You matchmake, and then you let the match burn. What happens when it reaches the end? What happens when it burns out?"

Q exhaled loudly. "That's actually a really good analogy."

"Why would the match burn out?" Kitty asked quietly.

"Kitty. How do you actually think this will end? Love squares always end somehow. You get Yuri. Dae gets you. Yuri gets Julianna. It all depends on how hard you fight, but first you have to decide what you want."

"I have what I want. I have a great relationship with Dae," she argued.

"Okay, so why are you crushing on Yuri? Tell that to yourself, not me."

"A crush doesn't always mean something. Sometimes, you shouldn't act on it."

"You're gaslighting yourself. You're going to get hurt if you keep doing that, or someone else will."

"I know when a crush is meant to become something more or not! Y/N, I'm a matchmaker, I know what happens in these situations!"

"So what you're saying is... it's not a love pentagon, it's a love hexagon."


The doorbell rang. We all sat straight up with alert. Q scrambled to hide behind a wall.

Kitty and I rushed to the door, both plastering smiles onto our faces.

When I opened the door, the last person I was expecting was standing in front of me. My jaw dropped as Kitty and I exclaimed at the same time.


a/n ~ vote for the love hexagon ⋆˙⟡♡

XO, Liv__ing

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