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As always, I am here on time. Why do I always come here so early? I have to wait for them. I went to my seat and sat there as the class was empty, I and a few students were there. They usually come a bit later than me. I rested my head on the table along with my hands waiting for my friends to arrive. When I heard some familiar voices, I lifted my head and saw the three people heading towards me.

"Hi, everyone!", I said while waving my hand.

"Missed us.", Soobin said and winked at me.

"I feel bored without you guys.", I stretched my arms in the air and let out a big sigh.

"Hey! From where does the sound come from?", When Yeonjun heard a girl crying and a few boys laughing.

"It's Eunwoo, again bullying someone.", Soobin said confidently.

"What happened now?", I asked curiously.

"Yesterday, a girl accidentally dropped juice on his jacket. He told her to clean it. The stain wasn't gone. That's why he's now bullying her.", Soobin explained the whole scenario.

"Why he's like this?", Yeonjun asked and I also nodded agreeing with him.

"I don't know. Do you guys do your homework?", Felix asked out of nowhere.

"Nah!", We three sang it and smirked.

"Why? It was given by, Ms Park.", Felix said being a bit sad.

"But I bet you have done it because she's your favourite.", Soobin said teasingly and the others sang 'oh' catching everyone's attention.

"Hey, Stob it!", Felix said angrily which was rather cute.

Soobin and Felix are fighting. During it, a girl entered the class gaining everyone's attention. I looked at her. I never saw her before. Is she new here? But I swear she was beautiful and different from others, with big eyes, soft lips and a deadly expression on her face, short hair but the way she flips them; the style was magnificent.

"Look at her; she's so pretty."

"Yeah, she is."

"She is so better than me."

"Everyone is beautiful, not more than her."

Bell rang 🛎

Everyone went to sit on the seats. I was admiring her. Why? I don't even know that I want to be her friend, that's it. What would be her name? Do I ask her? But that would be too straightforward, anyways forget that. Our teacher, Ms Park, is almost everyone's favourite; she looks kind and friendly.

"So, guys, meet our new student Park Y/n. She's gonna study with us so be friendly to her.", Ms. Park introduced the new student to the class.

"You're so pretty, Y/n." "Yeah, I never saw anyone like you." "Me too. You're a goddess.", everyone started yelling out of nothing.

"Guys' she would be pretty. But; everyone is beautiful in front of me. Y/n do you wanna say something?", Ms. Park asked the girl to express herself.

"Hi guys, Nice to meet you.", she said catching everyone's attention once again.

Her voice; I got melt by her voice. How can it be so smooth? Just look at my voice it's deep and heavy. The words I speak never sound smooth. But, her words perfectly float on the tracks. Everyone couldn't stop talking about her.

"Y/n go and sit beside Taehyung.

Taehyung Raise your hand. Taehyung... TAEHYUNG!"


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