Today was like, one of the worst days ever. Let me list out all of the stuff that happened today which made me want to 'brb' my way out of life for a while:
I got kicked out of a school activity, I found out about a weirdass rumour spread about me (which also reached the loml for some reason), my dad walked in on me showering because I forgot to lock the door.
To top it all off, my parents did this thing they do almost everyday, wherein they suddenly get together and attack me emotionally. It stresses me out a lot, even if it's for a short period of time. I hate it when they do that.
The day couldn't get any worse.
The only 'good' thing that happened was I got done with a huge chunk of pending work.
Right now as I'm sitting on my desk, there are thoughts constantly going around in my brain. Those thoughts are mostly me planning what all I'll study tomorrow morning before and after school.
Then one thought popped up; it is a feeling I've been experiencing on random days, for like a year now. That feeling has stemmed from a habit I've been developing.
That habit is fortunately, a good one.
I have realised that this habit and the feeling that comes with it, have become an integral part of my personality.
I try to make the most out of every thing that is given to me.
By making the most out of I mean enjoying and appreciating as much as I can.I've started waking up at an earlier hour. It was a habit inculcated in me from 3rd grade, but earlier it was solely for studies. Now, I've started using that early hour to unwind, sort out my thoughts and revise my principals.
I also feel like I need to see the most of my day, so I feel the urge to stay awake for the maximum time in these 24 hours. I've started sleeping late because of this too.
I try to make the most out of a friendship, or a place I'm required to go to everyday.
My school. On some days it's like heaven on Earth. On some days it's like, the biggest disaster ever.
I adore my school a lot partially because it serves as an escape from my house, but also because the people and the building itself make me feel joyful.
The habit here is, striving to not feel tired or fed up of any practices or assessments. I run around a lot, laugh a lot, talk a lot. I try to pick up atleast one random person everyday from my class and get to know more about them and tell them more about me.
Today, for example, in the morning, I saw a classmate roaming around in the corridor. I asked if she wanted to come with me. She agreed.
We talked to each other for atleast 20 minutes.
Those 20 minutes included exchange of opinions on others, and as well as ourselves. The classmate was someone I rarely saw laughing but when I told her about comical incidents and even my views on certain subjects, she laughed to her heart's content.She chuckled frequently, as I narrated to her thoughts which I was thoroughly accustomed to but to her were new.
The humongous variety of mindsets and range of reactions to situations are limitless, just in this building of 500 people. Now that I come to think of it, travellers do have the right to be recognised as one of the most knowledgeable people.
I ask my father to drop me at 6 itself, even though I'm supposed to reach by 7. That duration of one hour is a blessing. It is the best time of my day. I spend it either completing my school work or talking to friends, but the catch is, I spend it at the best place ever. The school field.
The field has grown it's grass significantly. The view from the leading staircase shows me a relatively darker shade of green on the ground than it was before the school closed for one month.
It is comforting, the view.
I hope that after I leave this place, I find another one to look forward to each day of my life.
this is 'me'
Randomill document some stuff going on in my life on the daily, here. well not on the daily, but whenever I feel like it