Chapter 3: The festival

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The next day, you wake up at 4:30 AM. Indeed, your father and you planned a few weeks ago to go to a comic book festival for the whole weekend. The majority of people who will be there are just here to buy or see things such as comic books, collectible or not, figurines, plushies and anything else that can be related to any existing comic. However, your father and you aren't there for that, or at least that's not your main goal. You are going to be on the other side of the table, amongst the exhibitors. 

Your father started a business revolving around collectible cards. When you buy these in any kind of store, they are quite cheap. However, they get rarer and rarer over time. If you leave them be, there's a strong chance that they will get damaged, making them lose any worth. Nevertheless, if you protect them by sealing them, they will be safe from any kind of damage, including UV radiation which would cause the card's colors to fade a bit. The company is very young, so you need to get yourself known. This is why you'll be at that festival.

The two of you don't have breakfast this morning, at least not at home. You wash your face, get dressed for this hot but rainy day and leave the house, jumping into your father's car.

You start the day by going to your father's "office", as he calls it, which looks more like a workshop. His personnal studio has a desk, a chair, two 3D printers and two huge wardrobes, one containing an endless amount of boxes and cards and the other having food, snacks and toiletries. On your way, you grabbed a huge bottle of water for the day and cupcakes and pastries for your breakfast. After eating, you pick up cardboard boxes and put them in the car's trunk.

When you're on the spot, you head towards the organizer's office to receive bracelets: green ones for today and red ones for the next day. Afterwards, you spend a whole hour trying to find where you are supposed to park the car. You realize after a while that you've been driving next to the assigned parking for a while. Your father finally stops the car. However, another problem occurs when you face the large arbor: it's closed. 

You and another couple of exhibitors walk around the arbour, trying to find an entrance. Finally, one of the S.T.A.F.F. members comes and opens it for you. You carry out the boxes with your father towards your slot and unpack everything.

Later that day, you wander into the streets to stretch your legs and meet a guy wearing a black orc disguise. He gets closer to you, grunting.

"Come at me, bitch!"

You look into his eyes, chalenging him. He chuckles with a deep dark voice and leaves you. You smirk and get back to your dad.

" - How is it going?

- Not bad, actually. I've already sold some boosters.

- That's nice! By the way, do you remember the orc we met last time we went to a festival?

- The black one?

- Yep. He's back.

- Really? Cool!"

You sit down next to him.

" - You know, I was wondering about something...

- Yes?

- What's with getting the Halloween decorations set up way too early every single year?

- To be honest, that's your mother's idea. It pisses me off as much as you.

- Wait, really?

- You know I'm not fond of decorations.

- True."

Lunchtime comes fast. You both decide to get french fries with mayonnaise.

"What a healthy meal: potatoes and eggs with a bit of mustard" Your father says.

You giggle lightly. After eating, you go for another walk into the streets and find your barbarian friend again. He grunts and lifts up his weapon before coming closer. He gets so close that your foreheads touch. You gently place a hand on his chest so he doesn't come too close. He steps back a little and nods. 

A few hours later, you decide to go through the alleys one more time before leaving. And guess who you're meeting once again? Your favorite orc of course! It seems like destiny decided to bring you towards him. This time, you ask him to take a selfie with you. He places his large knife under your throat as you take a picture of the two of you. You say goodbye to him and get back to your dad. You start packing things up a while later and get everything back to the car. Your father drives you back to his office to deposit some of your tools.

" - Wanna eat at an asian restaurant?

- Heck yeah!

- Don't tell your mother.

- Of course!"

You eat at a taiwanese restaurant tonight. The food is good but you eat a very spicy sauce without meaning to. As soon as you realize what you've just tasted, you drink a whole glass of water, the roof of your mouth and your throat burning. Besides that, the rice, the shrimps and the chicken noodles are delicious.

When you get back home, you briefly relate the events of the day, including your numerous meetings with your costumed companion.

" - You've got a touch there, [Y/n].

- Mom, come on! I bet he's way older than me!

- Heh, who cares?

- Well, I do."

Brian suddenly comes into the kitchen out of nowhere.

" - You've got a boyfriend?!

- No!

- Oh, my bad. Next time maybe.

- Bro you can't just plan on beating the crap out of my eventual future partner all the time.

- You can't stop my mind." He answers, leaving the room.

You get dressed and go to bed. You see a shadow standing in the corner. You light up the room only to realize it's just a bunch of clothes on a chair. It seemed taller, though.

You soon fall asleep.

Tomorrow is another day.

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