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"what's wrong with my music taste again?" I asked, as I followed the girls along one of the dark side streets in the town. There was only a 2 meter gap between the two buildings we were in the middle of, it was making me feel quite claustrophobic actually. I looked ahead, as the path seemed to last forever, and I couldn't see any signs of a shop anywhere.

"well... it's just not very up - to - date, that's all" Stacy said, patting my back lightly.

I could see they were just trying to be nice, I know I had a terrible taste in music. But the only thing I've had blasted in my ears for 17 years in classical and 80s songs from a record player.

"here we are! Best place in town for music, you can get everything here" Becky smiled.

"just ask and they'll find it for you!" Kate chipped in.

I looked up at the building, and the street it was in. the only sound I could hear was the distant drip of a leaking pipe. There was a pile of rubbish on the opposite side of the cracked path, and every so often a rat or two would emerge, but if one of us shifted our feet, it would scurry back away under the waste.

"are you sure this is it?" I asked.

"we come here all of the time, my boyfriend Ryan has a part time job here, so I visit regularly" Kate said.

The only entrance was a single door, painted black with CDs stuck on it, and in big sprawled out painted on letters 'record shop'.

Stacey grabbed the bronze doorknob, and the door opened, revealing a set of stairs going upwards.

"come on!" Kate said enthusiastically as she raced ahead of us, disappearing up the stairs in no time.

When we reached the top, there was a room. It was much nicer than I thought - white walls and wooden floors, then stands right down the room full of vinyl records, CDs, and DVDs. As I walked forwards, the payment desk came into view, and behind it there was a curly haired boy slightly sipping on a large cup of starbucks coffee, but I couldn't really see much else from over here.

"well then...go and look around! There's loads of stuff here and it doesn't close until 9 so take your time" Becky smiled.

"I usually go for the ones with bright covers" Kate paused "I don't care what music it is, I just like those ones" she giggled.

I smiled back and looked over at Stacy, who rolled her eyes. Right, now to find some music that might tickle my fancy.

I walked up the aisle; it was so quiet in here, like the world had been turned off. There was only a distant sound of the girls sifting through the records.

"do you need any help at all?" a voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw the boy from behind the counter. He stood in front of me, waiting for an answer.

"I'm new to this record buying trend" I laughed "I need new music to listen to"

"Well, come with me, I have exactly what you're looking for" he smiled, showing his stained, slightly crooked teeth, which I sort of liked (was this weird?). it was a cute smile, but at the same time, one that could break a thousand hearts.

I stopped in my thoughts about him. Gosh Alexandra, keep it together, you hardly know the boy! Mother would go crazy if she found out what you were thinking right now.

"so" he paused unlocking a red wooden door just off the aisle "don't tell anyone about this, it's my secret collection" he smiled again, kicking the door shut with his foot and flipping the light switch carelessly on.

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