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I tried getting back to him. My phone wasn't working, and it had terribly low battery.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit"

I pressed the call button multiple times, stabbing it, trying to make it work.

The call sound beeped, but it went to answer machine. I panicked. He's in trouble; I know he is - why would he be trying to call me so much if he was okay? There's obviously something wrong.

I sprung up off the bed, and grabbed an ugly purple jacket from my wardrobe, and a pair of muddy trainers.

Then I ran across the hall to go down the stairs, bumping into Jane on the way and making her spill all of the laundry that she was carrying.

"So so sorry, I'm in a rush, I'll be in touch, he's in trouble" I said, hurried.

I ran down the stairs as quick as my legs would physically go, and flung open the front door into the outside.

A breeze hit me, and the cold air filled my panting lungs. It was dark, and the only lights were the spotlights of the street lamps.

I made my way along my street, holding my jacket together and hugging myself to keep warm - I should've worn a coat.

It was about 10 minutes down the road, before I noticed a shadowy type figure approaching me. I started to panic again, even though I was already in a rush.

I decided to just walk past them, no eye contact, just walk.   

It's probably just some homeless man, or a street crazy out late. They coughed, and I looked up.

"Wait a minute" I whispered, and looked closer at their face "that's Matty"

I approached him in the dimly lit street, my hair in wisps in my face from the wind.

I took my hand out of my warm jacket pocket, and waved. But he was way to focused on furiously trying to light up a cigarette.

"Matty!" I said, as he got close to me.

"Alex?" He said groggily.

"Matty, are you ok? Why so many calls? Please tell me you're okay!" I put my hands on his shoulders, and stared into his sad eyes.

He didn't answer, he just looked at me. He looked like he was in a trance, and definitely didn't sound well as he spoke.

"Matty, we need to get you to my house"

He managed a nod, and then started leaning on me more, and putting more weight onto my arms. He's going to faint, I thought.

"Can you walk? Are you okay? Matty, please" I looked him in the eyes, and he mouthed 'yes'.

I kissed him - but his lips were different, they were so different in fact it could have been someone else. He's been doing something that isn't good, and this is the aftermath. A great way for him to meet my mother. But then again, this is the true him isn't it?

"Come on" I linked his arm, and slowly started walking forward with him.

He was still leaning on me, and kept bumping into my arm and pushing me closer to the road. Stumbling, and I had visions of him falling. His body was weak, and he was trembling – nobody should be like this.

Words can't describe how much I'm happy that I found him out here as soon as I did. What if he was just left walking along here alone? And even worse, been more of a danger to himself – and done something stupid.

We got to my house, and I practically had to lift him up the concrete steps to my front door.

This is it. This is the moment that my mother sees him for (what I think is) the first time. I'm nervous. My hands are shaking. But I need to stay strong here, because Matty isn't. And his health is more important than I silly meal, he needs to be taken care of first.

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