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-Alastair Diaz-

*2 years later*

I've never been more nervous in my life, it was Aliyah's 20th birthday.

And I had something special planned. I didn't want to do it right away.

I have a surprise party planned for her later tonight, I told her to get ready today and put something that's nice on, not in a rude way though-

Aliyah walks down, she had some light make up on, her hair was curled, and she was wearing a dress.

I smiled up at her "hey there sweetheart" I say wrapping my arms around her, she smiled at me "hi there muffin"

The nickname still lives to this day, and I don't care anymore. The only time she doesn't call me that is if she's mad at me.

"So what are we doing today?" She asks staring into my eyes. Don't tell her the surprise.

"We have a few things we need to do" I say she raises an eyebrow.

She puts on her shoes, I told her to put something comfortable on since we'll be out almost all day.

When she's done she takes my hand and we walk to my car, I open the door for her and she gets in.

I walk to my side of the door and start the car, "so are you planning on telling me what we're doing?" She says looking at me

I shook my head "you better not be planning on killing me. Because I'll come back and haunt you." She glared at me.

I chuckle "I'm not planning on killing you sweetheart." She raises an eyebrow "i promise" I say kissing her hand.

We drove for a little bit until I parked at Barnes N Nobles, she gives me a confused look.

"I'll let you get whatever books you want but you have to complete the scavenger hunt first." I say, her eyes widened "your being serious- like I can actually get whatever books I want?" She questions

I nod "it is your birthday after all." I say kissing her hand "let me spoil you today amore" she smiles at the nickname before kissing my lips.

She goes to open her door but I lock it, she glared at me "not this again." She says rolling her eyes. I grin at her before getting out of my side and walking towards her door opening it.

"Like I said spoiling you today." I grin, she smiled at me.

We walk into the store and i lead her to where the scavenger hunt started.

It took a lot of convincing and money to convince the workers to let me do this, but it was worth it.

I walk her over to that book series I caught her reading one. She lets out a small laugh.

She looks through the second book, and then through the pages until she found a piece of paper.

She gives me a confused look, and I shrug, I wasn't gonna give her that many hints. Sure you won't. Suck my dic- nevermind.

Aliyah walks around until she sees a book that's pulled out a little bit.

She grabs the book and flips through it she grabs the paper and picture when she finds it.

The picture was blurry, but gave her a small hint of where to go. "Fantasy?" She whispers to her self.

She walks over the the fantasy section and looks for anything that looks out of place.

It takes her a while until she finds it but she does, she flips through the pages and finds what she needs.

Two more books. She grabs the paper and picture, she stares at the picture for a while. "Mystery..." she trails off turning towards the section. I smile at her seeing how intrigued she is to find this.

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