Chapter 3: Shinso

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Alternative Chapter Name: How the fuck can she do that while falling?

It takes the class 6 seconds to be quiet when Aizawa walks in. He says they're improving. I wait for him to give me some sort of special recognition, some sort of secret sign that says he acknowledges my presence in his class but he doesn't, he just says,

"We have a new student,"

And even though I wanted it, something heavy drops in me when he does. Denki is sitting next to me, grinning so widely I think if our chairs weren't so far apart, he'd be shoving me in the shoulder. I wait for him to say my name, to welcome me into his class officially, but then he says,

"I expect to you to acknowledge and accord her with the same respect you give those you've known since your first year. Hagakure please open the door for her to come in."

I don't know why but my entire body burns with embarrassment as she goes to open the door. Denki is still grinning at me except now he's making fun of my dashed hopes.

"Dude," he whispers, leaning towards my desk in a manner that is far less discreet than he thinks. "You've basically been in our class for ages now. And he said "known since first year" and we've known you since first year. We took a few hero classes together!"

He's somewhat trying to comfort me but when she walks through the door, I stop listening. The girl that stands in front of the class is the same one I saw in traffic this morning, hoodie-clad but still somehow with clean sharp edges. I'm mentally kicking myself for not knowing the green skirt was from UA's uniform.

"This is your new classmate, she'll be joining you for the rest of the school year. Please introduce yourself."

"Good morning, I'm Ayano," she says, and she has a funny accent. Her words sound forced, like she doesn't speak Japanese often.

"I am from North England. My hobbies are reading. Thank you."

She takes a bow and as I'm trying to remember something, anything about North England that can give me an explanation of the sensation that drives up my skin in her presence, Aizawa tells her to take off her hood. My attention is back on the board before I even notice the change in my own train of thought.

She takes off the hood and smooths down stray hairs. The hairs on my arms stand upright. She walks right past me and I don't realize I've stopped breathing until I start again and my chest hurts from holding pressure.

I'm a bit grateful she's sitting behind me because I don't think I'd be able to pay much attention if she was in my line of vision. But that gratitude doesn't last long because my attention is drawn towards her again.

I turn around to see her in a stare-down with Bakugo, his feet resting on the head of her chair. The panic in my throat is the gas in a shaken soda can, threatening to bubble over. I don't know who I'm more worried for, the mysterious new girl who both confuses and draws me in with her aura alone, or Bakugo, the self-proclaimed don of the hero course.

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