Chapter 4: Hawks

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Alternative chapter Name: Dinner

This is how you identify bullshit.

Your co-worker who thinks he's your boss because he's taller and older than you will tell you that you need to attend a meeting at his agency at 11am. He won't give you the option of just not coming, You're far too responsible for that.

You won't tell him that you worked together one time and he doesn't pay you for shit and you don't even like him that anymore because he abused his family and smells like smoke all the time. You definitely won't tell him that you planned to take the day off to stay home with your boyfriend. Nope.

You'll say, 'Sure!' into the phone and then curse after he hangs up and pull on your hero costume and glasses because of course he's calling you a few minutes before it starts. He knows if you're not on patrol, you don't have any reason to decline his offer on a Monday morning. Your boyfriend left earlier for a meeting of his own and he was due to be back in a few minutes but you'll write a note to tell him that the big flaming pissbaby called you in and you'll be back by one o'clock at the latest.

Then you'll fly out the balcony and get to your boss' agency in two minutes because you're the fastest man alive and just sit in the first chair you see, not the one next to the head of the table where a card with your name on it is plastered. Then you'll zone out thinking about what you're going to get for dinner tonight because your boyfriend will probably be too mad at you to cook and you're a disaster in the kitchen. You'll be too engrossed in dinner to notice when the entire room is silent because Eraserhead has been calling your name for too long for now.


"Yeah?" I say, smiling innocently.

"What's on your mind?" He asks like he thinks I'm genuinely thinking about whatever the fuck they've been discussing since we got here.

"Dinner," I say honestly, and Endeavor rolls his eyes from the other end of the table.

"You have to pay attention Hawks, this behavior is unbecoming of the number two hero,"

The sound of his voice booms like a nightmare and before I even have to resist the urge to call him out for being a fucking hypocrite in front of the bread and butter of the hero society -Nezu and Detective Naomasa included- Eraserhead is briefing me on what I missed while I was zoned out.

"We've discussed the likely involvement of the League of Villains in the recent decrease in crimes in the area. Since we've pulled you out of the infiltration of the organization, we haven't been privy to a lot of important intel since the confirmation of All For One and Dr. Ujiko's deaths. However concerns from other heroes who discovered your mission made it mandatory for us for to pull you out of there."

By 'other heroes', he means All Might and himself, who garnered the support of other 'concerned' heroes in the commission who act like my mission was inhumane, especially since I had to 'kill' Jeanist to get inside. 

In reality, they don't like me. Nobody really likes the 21 year old goofball that gets to eat chicken wings in public while simultaneously achieving everything they ever wished they could.

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