Non- Canon Chapter: Death Scene

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Look," I start, "It's my birthday"

My vision is dimming and I feel a hand run over my cheek. It's cold. Or maybe it's warm, it's hard to tell right now.

"No Ayano," someone coos, I think it's Shinso. "It's not your birthday."

Their voice is weak and I can hear the tears behind it.

This person is a fool. It's probably Shinso then. Can't he see the stars? They're aligned in a way that's very familiar, the same way they aligned the day I got Great Expectations, I remember.

My mother took me to the balcony that night and when she traced my fingers over the night sky, I swear I felt the heat of the stars.

"No," I repeat, my voice is weak too. It's hard to speak even, when everything that's supposed to be in my throat is lying on my chest. "It's my birthday. Look at the sky.

The warmth on my face retreats but it's replaced by a warmth in my chest because even in my disheveled state, I know for sure who that is.

Stupid bird, my mind screams. My throat must be emptied by now because I can't make the words go.

"Yeah." His voice is the same. Determined, direct. I hear a sliver of pain too but I ignore it. I won't ask for any more of his strength. "Happy birthday Ayano."

It's times like this I realize how much of a curse my quirk is. It would be easy, delving into their minds, giving them the reassurance I'm sure they need. Then again it's inevitable.

I'm going to die.

Going into their minds means tasting their pain. I wouldn't want their last memory of me to be with tears in my eyes. I know how a memory sticks forever

So instead I do something equally unnatural, something they would only appreciate if they realize how painful it would be to see me cry.

I smile.

A sob escapes somewhere above me. I think it's Shi- I know it's Shinso. His textured fingers retake their position on my skin and flashbacks of late nights sparring on the roof rush like a swarm of butterflies through my mind.

"Everything was so fond," I say. I don't even realize I said it out loud until I hear the familiar sound of his laughter.

He laughs like we're on the couch and Denki has said something so stupid that you can't logically do anything but laugh. They love each other so much it gives me hope that they will be happy after I'm gone.

"You're so English," he says, amidst tears and laughter. "Yes it was all so fond. All of it. Even when you broke my nose in second year. You never apologized."

His voice is breaking steadily. So is my heart. These feelings are all so new. I wish we could share them under happier circumstances.

"Stop crying," I say, panicking. I know what these feelings are but it's too many things at once and for the first time in a long time, my quirk can't help me keep them in check. "If you start crying then I will too."

He laughs again, it's so genuine, the sound of his laughter. Maybe it's because he hadn't had any reason to for a long time.

He says, "It's okay for you to cry man," and I shatter into a million small pieces.

"I can't. I'm an ugly crier. You're an ugly crier too. Stop it." I counter. I am slowly approaching my breaking point, my emotions are bubbling over and I won't be able to bottle them up for much longer.

"No. I'm not crying. It's just raining." he says, his voice a glass dangling in the arms of a drunk, close to shattering. "There's always rain in May you know."

He sounds so stupid in his voice modifier and his stupid black uniform and those nauseating, un-washable ropes around his neck. I can't believe they used to be white. I wonder if they'll bury me in my hero costume.

"You know, you're a pretty ugly liar too." I say, "How is it raining only above my face? I'm a bit delusional from blood loss but I'm not stupid."

Like clockwork, I start to feel drops on my leg.

"Tweety come here," I command. "Tell me why you're crying."

"I don't know," Keigo replies, " it's unlike me to mourn loss.

"Come closer, "I say. It's only fitting for me to die in your arms."

Uh, hi. I'm not done with this (and it is not canon!!!) and I know the style is different from all of the other stuff but it's here so i can know if you prefer this to the other chapters. This is actually the way I want to write the whole thing but I don't know if it's better this way and I don't want to mess up the story lol. So yeah give feedback! This is the last chapter I'll be posting for review from the masses. 

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