Chapter 6

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Alana and Louis sat down for lunch, as she began explaining the troubling situation with her parents, recounting the unexpected bombshell they had dropped and their desire to gain custody of her children.

As Alana shared the heartbreaking details, Louis's face flushed with anger and disbelief. "That's outrageous, Alana!" Louis exclaimed, his voice filled with righteous anger. "I won't let them take our daughter away from us. Or Charlie. We'll fight this in court, and I'll do everything I can to protect Rhiannon."

Alana's eyes welled up with tears of gratitude as she looked at Louis. "You would do that? Help me in court?" Alana asked, her voice quivering with a mixture of relief and appreciation.

"Absolutely," Louis replied firmly. "Rhiannon is my daughter too. We'll hire the best attorneys, gather all the evidence." "I don't have the money for that-" "I do!" He exclaimed. Alana reached across the table, grasping Louis's hand tightly.

"Thank you, Louis," Alana whispered, her voice filled with determination. "But we also have to worry about Harry." Alana mentioned Charlie dad. Louis became angrier at the man's name. "What do you mean?" He asked "he called me the other day.. and he also wants custody of Charlie-"

"Are you joking? He doesn't even know Charlie; he joined the army just so he could be away from him. How is he going to ask for custody? This is stupid." He said starting to get louder. Alana put her hands on his to try and calm him down.

Louis side deeply before saying "I just don't get it you're an incredible and amazing mom. Why would they want to take them from you?" Louis squeezed her hand, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "We're in this together, we're not gonna let them take them."

As they finished their lunch, Alana and Louis began formulating a plan, discussing the steps they needed to take to build a solid case in court.

Alana and Louis drove to the kids' school, anticipation mingled with concern as they approached the familiar building. They parked the car and hurried inside, ready to pick up Charlie and Rhiannon. However, as they reached the front office, the teacher looked at them with a puzzled expression.

"Excuse me, but your children have already been picked up," the teacher informed them, her voice tinged with confusion.

Alana and Louis exchanged a bewildered glance, their hearts sinking in unison. Alana's mind raced, trying to understand what could have happened. "Are you sure? We are their parents, and we didn't pick them up," Alana replied, her voice laced with worry.

The teacher checked her records again, her brow furrowing. "According to our log, someone matching your description picked up the children a short while ago. I apologize for any confusion, but that's all the information I have."

Alana's mind whirled, trying to make sense of the situation. "This doesn't make any sense. We need to find out who took our children," she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of panic and determination.

Louis, his eyes filled with concern, placed a comforting hand on Alana's shoulder. "We'll figure this out, Alana. Let's stay calm and find out what happened."

Together, they approached the school administration, sharing their worries and urging them to investigate the matter. The school staff immediately sprang into action, reviewing security footage and making inquiries with teachers and staff members.

As Alana and Louis waited anxiously, the minutes seemed to stretch into an eternity. Finally, the school principal approached them, his face a mixture of relief and concern.

"We've reviewed the security footage, and it appears that a woman claiming to be the children's grandmother picked them up," the principal explained. "We were not aware of any custody issues, and the woman presented herself as authorized to take them."

Alana's heart sank, realization dawning upon her. She looked at Louis, her voice barely above a whisper. " Fucking bitch."

Louis clenched his fists, anger and worry etched on his face. " Thank you ma'am we'll be leaving now"

With determination blazing in their eyes, Alana and Louis walk out the school. " I'm at the fuck this bitch up." Alana says as they walk to the car. " don't do that, let's call the cops so then it'll be on their records when we go to court. It will be considered kidnapping." Louis says

As the search for Charlie and Rhiannon the authorities swiftly took the information provided by Alana and Louis, they located Alana's mother's house. Two police officers arrived at the scene, ready to resolve the situation and ensure the safety of the children.

Alana's mother, still clinging to her claim as the children's grandmother, vehemently protested as the officers approached. "THESE ARE MY GRANDBABIES!! I KNOW MY RIGHTS!!" She screamed at them pulling the kids.

"We understand your perspective, ma'am, but we need to verify the legal custody of the children," one of the officers explained, trying to diffuse the tension.

Alana's mother continued to argue, but the officers were resolute in their duty to protect the children's welfare. They requested identification and proof of custody from Alana's mother, ultimately realizing that she did not have the legal right to take the kids without Alana's consent.

Alana's mother reluctantly handed over the children to the police officers. Charlie and Rhiannon, confused and scared, clung tightly to each other, seeking comfort in the midst of the chaos.

The officers reassured the children, promising to bring them back to their mother's house where they would be safe. They escorted Charlie and Rhiannon to the police car, ensuring their seatbelts were securely fastened.

The police car pulled up to Alana's apartment building, where she, Louis, Robyn, and Jack anxiously awaited their arrival. The tension in the air was palpable as they gathered in the living room, their hearts pounding with a mix of apprehension and determination.

The officers stepped out of the car, carrying a sense of seriousness and urgency. Alana approached them, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Alana asked, her voice filled with both worry and determination.

One of the officers took a deep breath and began to explain, "We had a conversation with your mother, Alana. Unfortunately, she was quite aggressive and insistent on pursuing this matter in court. She claims that she has the right to see the children."

Alana's grip tightened on Louis's hand as she processed the information. "What do we do now?" Louis asked, his voice steady and determined.

The other officer spoke up, "We will file a report detailing the events and your mother's aggressive behavior. We strongly recommend that you seek legal counsel to protect your rights and the best interests of the children."

Robyn, always a loyal and supportive friend, stepped forward. "I have a contact who specializes in family law. I'll reach out to them right away to get the ball rolling. We'll do everything we can to ensure the safety and well-being of Charlie and Rhiannon."

Alana nodded, gratitude filling her heart. "Thank you, Robyn." Jack, standing by Alana's side, offered his unwavering support. "Alana, we're all here for you. You're an amazing mother."

Alana took a deep breath. "They are not taking my kids."

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