Chapter 12

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In their cozy kitchen, a disheartened Charlie sat at the counter while his father, Harry, gently placed a bowl of Frosted Flakes in front of him. Charlie's face twisted in a mix of anger and sadness, as he was a devoted Captain Crunch fan and didn't want anything else. He pushed the bowl away, his emotions evident in his furrowed brows.

Concerned for his son, Harry asked, "Do you wanna talk about it?" He observed how upset Charlie was and hoped to understand what was bothering him.

"I want to go home," Charlie replied sternly, his green eyes filled with longing. "This is your home," Harry reassured him, trying to provide a sense of security.

Unyielding, Charlie argued, "I want my mom!" Tears welled up in his eyes, and he felt overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings.

Harry sighed, trying to find the right words. "Charlie, I wish I could take you back to your mom, but you're with me now. I promise if you work with me, we'll have a lot of fun together," he said tenderly, looking at his six-year-old son.

Still upset, Charlie expressed his preference for Captain Crunch, making it clear that he didn't like Frosted Flakes. Harry was taken aback but understood that even the smallest details mattered, "Okay," he muttered, picking up the bowl and emptying it in the sink.

Harry grabbed a fresh box of Captain Crunch and prepared a new bowl for him. Trying to ease the tension, Harry asked, "So do you like any sports or anything?" With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, Charlie replied softly, "I like soccer."

In Charlie's room, he sat on the floor, looking a bit bored, and was mindlessly shooting Nerf darts at the wall. Just then, the door creaked open, and Harry walked in with a big smile on his face, holding a soccer ball and a bag of soccer equipment.

"Hey there, champ! What's going on?" Harry asked playfully as he approached Charlie.

Charlie looked up, the boredom in his eyes momentarily replaced with curiosity as he replied, "Nothing much, just shooting some darts."

Harry chuckled, "Well, how about we mix things up a bit? How about we head downstairs and build something awesome together?"

Charlie's interest piqued, and he asked, "What?"
Harry gestured toward the soccer ball and threw to him to which he caught Harry held up a bag of soccer equipment, "We're going to build a soccer goal in the living room and then take it outside to play some soccer!"

Charlie's eyes widened with excitement, "Really?!"

Harry nodded, "Absolutely! So, grab your shoes, and let's head downstairs." Charlie quickly jumped to his feet, eager to get started. He slipped on his shoes, and together they went downstairs to the living room, where the parts of the soccer goal were neatly laid out.

"Okay, Charlie, here's what we're going to do," Harry explained, spreading out the pieces. "We'll follow the instructions and put the pieces together step by step."

Charlie nodded, eager to help. They began assembling the soccer goal, with Harry guiding him through the process. As they worked together, they shared jokes, laughed.

Once the soccer goal was fully assembled, Harry said, "Great job! Now, let's take it outside to try it out." They carefully carried the soccer goal outside to the backyard, finding the perfect spot to set it up. With the soccer ball ready, they both stood in front of the goal, facing each other.

Harry grinned, "Alright, Charlie, let's see your best shot!" With a determined look, Charlie kicked the ball, and it soared through the air, hitting the back of the net with a satisfying thud. "Nice shot, champ!" Harry cheered, clapping his hands. Charlie beamed a smile with pride.

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