Chapter Eight

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Eventually, all of us ended up falling asleep on the floor of the cabin but we were all woken up like absolutely nothing happened last night. We all got up, moved everything that was barricading the door, and walked out together. But we all stopped in our tracks as soon as we opened the door.

Rebekah is fucking gone. Her body has just vanished. There was no blood stains anywhere. No weird smell. Not even a strand of hair. It's like she was never even here. But she was. We know she was. We walk to the main hall, on edge. Still thinking about what happened to Rebekah's body. 

When we do get to the main hall and get something to eat for breakfast before we sit down at our table. "So, how are we going to show the picture to the camp director and explain the story without getting in trouble?" Axel asks shakily and I shake my head and sigh. "That's what you're worried about? I think he'd be more concerned that a weird, psychotic, murderer is running about camp." I answer. The others agree.

I pull out my phone to check the time. "Show me what it looked like, the photo you took last night." Robin looks over my shoulder. I pull up the photo and his eyes widen. "Let us see." Collin comments. I turn my phone towards everyone letting them get a look and each of them looks completely shocked. Vance doesn't look. Instead, he just scowls down at his toast. "What if we say we went for a hike and we got lost and found the shack and saw that, I mean you can't tell it is night in the photo," Griffin comments. "That could work and I mean there are no signs saying where we need to stop so that could be very believable." Axel agrees with him.

"I don't think that's what you guys should worry about," I say glancing at them. "This is very weird," Robin says as he sits there thinking. "How?" Billy questions. "I don't know, I just have this really bad gut feeling about this." He sighs. "That's why we are going to the camp director about this," I say making Robin nod his head.

The eight of us finish the rest of our food in silence and once we finish we all get up and we make our way out of the main hall and walk to the main cabin where campers can go if they have issues or call their parents. Once when we walk in, we slowly approach the front desk where a man sits. The nameplate reads "Barry" on it. "Hey kiddos, what do you lot need?" The man asks with a tired smile.

"Hi, um we would like to speak to the camp director to report an incident..." I announce making him frown a bit. "Come on then kids, let's go." He gets up from his desk and leads us towards a hallway. We all quietly walk behind him until he stops at a door and knocks on it. "Miss Shaw, we have an issue." He says. "Come on in Barry." A voice calls from behind the door. He opens it to reveal a woman with brown hair and pale grey eyes. She smiles at us warmly.


Sounds weirdly familiar...

"I'll leave you kids be." Barry smiles before walking back out. "Boy, what a crowd, come in." She says, leaning on the desk. We all walk in and both Robin and I take a seat while the others stand. "So what is your issue?" Miss Shaw asks as she looks at us.

"Well, yesterday we went for a hike," I say quietly. She nods her head to tell us to keep going. "And we got lost, and when we were looking for a way out we found this wooden shack in the middle of the woods," I say making the others nod their heads. Miss Shaw looks at me surprised before masking it with a smile.

"In the shack there was.. well there were lights on in there, so you we thought someone would be there that we could ask for directions out of here and..." I hesitate for a moment. "Oh well, that is the old janitor's shack there is nothing to be worried about." She cuts me off. "But-" I start but she cuts me off again. '"You kids and your active imagination." She chuckles. "There is nothing there and nothing to be worried about." She smiles. "Wait so-" Axel is then cut off by Miss Shaw.

"Look kids, to be honest, I have bigger things to worry about so why don't you just go back to whatever you were doing before you were bothering me." She says with a tight smile. I was about to pull up my phone so she can see the picture but Robin lowers my hand and gives me a look that tells me to just go along with it.

"Yeah, you are right. There was nothing really in there we just thought that you didn't know it was there." Robin says with a nod. Everyone tries their best to not look at him like he's crazy at that moment. "Well since that is sorted out, you guys can run along then." She says, clapping her hands together. We all nod our heads before leaving the room.

I wave goodbye to Barry before we make it out. "What the fuck was that for Robin?" Axel looks at him like he's insane. "There's something off about her. She's hiding something." Robin says making us agree with him. "I don't know but she seemed really familiar..." I add on as we keep on walking. "Weird, but she must know something, maybe she knows about the guy in the mask," Bruce says. "That would explain why she literally wouldn't hear anything else we had to say about it." Billy shrugs his shoulders.

I shake my head, "No, I don't think so..." I mumble. They just shrug. "Well, what the fuck do we do now? I don't want to be trapped here for four months with a fucking psycho running around this place." Griffin says making the rest of us agree. "We'll just have to make sure we all travel in groups no matter what," I say in a low tone. "We'll always keep one of the weapons on us especially if we leave and at night each cabin will have two weapons," I add on.

"Does this mean no more night drinking?" Axel frowns. "From now on if we want to drink we do it in one of the cabins and no one leaves," Robin says making us all agree. We all hear a twig snap which makes us all freeze and look around the area we are in. "Come on let's get back to where people can see us," I mumble dragging Robin beside me.

We all walk back hurriedly until we are in the middle of the camp. "Well, we are gonna go to the lake and chill who wants to come with?" Billy asks as he holds Axel's hand. "We're gonna stay back and do some searching." Robin motions to both him and me. The rest of the group nods and goes with Billy and Axel to the lake.

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