Chapter One

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S2-my own chapter

Chapter One

A COUPLE months after Shannon left Christopher and Eddie in El Paso, Eddie told his now wife and she quickly booked a flight to see and comfort him.

Hazel had always had some sort of feelings for the man, but never did anything about it considering he was married. However during the week she was with him things changed and for the better.

The duo hooked up, caught up in a moment of catching up and telling each other how life was going since they left the military.

After that night Hazel had all her feelings for the man come back and Eddie accepted that he too liked her and had for a while.

Before Hazel left for New York the couple decided to try things out even if it was long distance.

For a year the pair went back and forth during holidays or when they had any time off. After Hazel was fully done with her training to become a police officer, she moved to Texas so she could be with Eddie and Christopher.

And in that same year Eddie filed for divorce which surprisingly Shannon accepted and didn't do much about it, probably thinking he just need some time to himself. She never thought that Eddie would end up remarrying and then moving to a different state with her to start fresh as a married couple.

"Why LA?" Eddie asked Hazel as they packed up their's and Christopher's things to put in Eddie's truck.

"Because I know a Sargent there." Hazel answered. "Who said she'd gladly have me as a partner. And I hear they have a great fire academy you can join."

"If you say so." Eddie muttered as Christopher came walking into his parents rooms with Luna: Hazel's dog she took care of in the army as a K9 handler.

"Mama, Dad!" The young boy announced his presence. "I packed all my toys!"

"That's wonderful, buddy!" Hazel beamed clapping her hands.

"Luna helped, too." The young boy added.

"You two did an amazing job." Eddie smiled. "Very helpful."

That means, we just need to pack up the two boxes in here and your box, and we'll be ready to leave." Hazel told the boy she considered her son. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" Christopher answered. "There's a beach."

"That there is." Hazel nodded her head. "After we get the boxes into our new home and if it's still daylight, then we will go walk on the beach, how does that sound?"

"Great!" Christopher again answered, hugging the brunette.

"Alright, your dad and I will put these three boxes in the back of the truck and then we can go."

AFTER A DAY and a half the family made it to their new house and unpacked the rental u-Haul trailer and had dinner they went to the beach til it was dark.

When they got home after that, Hazel made Christopher's bed while he got ready for bed.

"We can either start somewhat unpacking or we can shower and go to bed." Eddie spoke after they walked out of Christopher's room after saying their good nights.

"Bed." Hazel sighed. "Definitely bed."

"Hoped you'd say that." Eddie muttered, picking up his wife and taking them yo their new bedroom where the bed wasn't made.

"I think this was the right choice."Hazel admitted, snuggling into her husband.

"Yeah, me too." Eddie admittedly "me too."


This is more of a background summary. You will get a begins chapter at some point. Don't know when but I have an idea.

Also Ik this was short, but I wanted to publish something and well I'm having a bad case of writers block where words are not forming!

Anyway I'm going to bed, goodnight!

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