Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
Birthday Surprise

HAZEL loved her job, deeply. She loved helping people and making LA and the world just a little more safe. She loved just about everything about it...just not waking up at 6 in the morning to go.

So now after her alarm had gone off, Hazel turned it off and shoved her face back into her pillow groaning. Begrudgingly the brunette removed the covers and slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Eddie since he had another hour of sleep before he had to get Christopher up and ready for school.

And like she normally did, she walked out of their bedroom, closing the door behind her and walking to the guest bathroom to use the restroom.

Hazel started her everyday routine. Thirty minute work out, shower, put make up on, then her clothes to wear to work, go make herself breakfast along with Christopher's lunch and then brush her teeth, put her shoes on and at that point Eddie was up so she'd go back to their room and grab her gun.

However, this morning was different, her routine was  going to be slightly different and not in a bad way.

"Happy Birthday!" Both Eddie and Christopher shouted When Hazel opened the bathroom door to go make her breakfast.

Hazel jumped at the sudden noice and figures in front of her. "Thank you," she chuckled. "Want expecting this, you two getting up earlier than you need to."

"Well it's your birthday." Christopher stated, hugging his mother. "We have another surprise."

"Oh?" Hazel raised an eyebrow, "lead the way."

Hazel was led to the kitchen where a banana muffin, scrambled eggs and sausage sat neatly on a plate and on the island. "You made me breakfast?" She inquired with a smile. "And didn't burn the house down."

"I can cook." Eddie groaned.

"Barely." Hazel retorted.

"We went to the store and to the restaurant you like." Christopher informed the brunette.

Hazel smiled with cocked eyebrows. "You can cook huh?"

"Just eat your breakfast." Eddie instructed before placing a kiss on her cheek. "And happy birthday."

"Thank you." Hazel responded before she did as she was instructed.

"One more thing." Eddie muttered, handing a piece of a paper that was in the pocket of his shorts to Christopher.

Hazel gave a puzzled look as a very happy Christopher handed over the piece of paper allowing Hazel to in fold it.

Hazel read the paper multiple times making sure she wasn't imagining words. "Wait, really?" She inquired a smile breaking out on her face.

"Will you adopt me?" Christopher asked.

Hazel scooped the boy up into her arms and spun him around. "Of course I will."

"Well since I knew you'd say that..." Eddie spoke. "We have court date in a couple hours, Athena already said it was fine if you where gone for the day."

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