Chapter Six

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S2Ep5-awful people

Chapter Six
Speed Bump

"CHRISTOPHER Carla is almost here." Hazel spoke from the kitchen where she was finishing packing her bag for the day.

Since Buck had introduced the Diaz family to Carla a lot has been easier. Hazel and Eddie didn't have to struggle to find someone to watch Christopher and when schools are back they won't have as much trouble registering the young boy in one.

"Do you have to go?" Christopher questioned his mother as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Yes, hun, I do." Hazel answered, kneeling down to his level. "But I'll be home tonight and I'll make dinner."

"Can Carla eat with us?" The young boy asked. He had become quite fond of the women who—had just like everyone else—loved him.

"If she wants to." Hazel answered as the door bell rang through her home.

Luna was first at the door, barking like there's no tomorrow.

"Luna." Hazel sternly spoke which caused the Belgian malinois to stop and stand back allowing Hazel to open the door and welcome Carla inside.

"Good morning!" Carla beamed, hugging Hazel and then Christopher. "So sorry I'm late."

Hazel glanced up at a clock in the living room. "By a minute." She chucked.

"Do you want to have dinner with us?" Christopher immediately asked the women when he had the chance to speak.

"Of course I will." Carla answered. "What are we making?"

"Mama is going to make chicken tacos." Christopher responded to the women.

"Oh I'm definitely in now." Carla stated with a bright smile.

"Alright, it's settled then." Hazel smiled. "Carla is having dinner with us and I need to go."

Hazel picked up her son and hugged him as tightly as she could. "Mmm, I love you." She informed the boy with a final squeeze.

"Love you." Christopher giggled.

"Thank you so much for watching him." Hazel said to Carla as she gathered her things. "This helps us so much."

"My pleasure," Carla replied. "Now go arrest people."

ONE OF Hazel's and Athena's first calls of the day was a women getting run over by an elderly women, which ended up turning out to be more than that.

"Oh look at that," Hazel commented as they pulled into the mall parking lot. "The best firefighters are here."

Athena released a laugh, "you are definitely not wrong." She agreed with the brunette as they got out of the car.

"Hey wait." Athena and Hazel heard Hen speak as she got on her knees to check on the blonde women who had been run over. "Don't we know you?"

"Uh,no,I don't..." Lorraine muttered. "I don't...I don't, I don't think so."

"Last year, Hancock Park." Hen stated as she realized who the woman was.

"That's right." Chimney agreed also remembering the blonde. "I never forget a femur."

Athena looked down at the women. "Hmm." She hummed as Lorraine chuckled nervously.

Hazel looked between the blonde and her partner who looked annoyed. "What?" She questioned rather confused.

"It's the damned porch pirate." Athena stated.

"Oh." Hazel mumbled.

"Guess you moved up from porches to parking lot, huh, Lorraine?" Athena questioned after Lorraine was secured on a gurney and being wheeled to the 118 ambulance. "What's your scam?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Lorraine responded trying to act innocent to the accusations. "I went to my court mandated treatment. I'm completely cured. Haven't stole a package in months."

"Mhm." Athena hummed not buying her lies. "I heard you settled with that homeowner."

"The house she fell in front of when she was package stealing?" Hen asked baffled by the information.

Hazel's eye brows were raised in shock by this woman. "That's kinda fucked up." She muttered which gained her a hum from the two paramedics and her partner.

"I didn't realize you could sue someone for being injured during the commission of a felony." Chimney added.

Lorraine held up her hand ready to. Correct the man. "Pled down to a misdemeanor. Insurance companies are happy to settle instead of going to court."

"Aren't they less happy about fraud?" Hazel questioned Athena.

"Mhm," Athena hummed. "We got three witnesses who claim you intentionally stepped out behind that poor woman's car. Makes me wonder what I might find when I pull the security footage from this parking lot."

"I think you'll find a woman suffering with mobility issues." Lorraine lied yet again, looking as though she was a child caught taking cookies out of a cookie jar. "Lot of trouble walking since that fall on the steps. You know I wonder, if it's because I received improper care in the scene."

Hen laughed at the statement as Lorraine was put in the ambulance. "So you're gonna sue us now?"

"Oh, you folks are city employees," Lorraine started. "Probably don't make that much. But the city...there's probably some deep pockets there, don't you think?"

Hen and chimney slammed the doors and made their way to their spots at the front.

"Awful woman." Athena stated shaking her head.

"Indeed." Hazel agreed.

I know this is a rather short chapter, but I'm tired and just wanted to publish something so, please forgive me!

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