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Y/n joined everyone in the Dragon's Lair. "I thought you weren't coming today." Tom said when seeing her. 

Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "Changed my mind." 

Within a few minutes, everyone came to the Lair, and they all flew to the newest realm, the Nature realms. 

When they landed, Honeybee started to fly and run around. She looked as if she was really enjoying the realm. "Like it here, Honeybee?" Y/n asked. 

Suddenly, a rustle came from a bush nearby. "Stay close riders." Tom said. 

The rustling intensified. Y/n saw Jun close her eyes in fear. Just then, the rustling stopped. They all waited a minute, then relaxed. Suddenly, a dragon jumped up from behind the bush. 

Y/n gasped. This dragon looked exactly like Honeybee. Well, not exactly. This dragon's stripes were in a different pattern, making him look more like a wasp. 

The dragon looked at Honeybee, then to all of them, growled, and disappeared into the forest. "What was that?" Alex asked. 

"Guys, I think Honeybee is from here." Tom said, pulling the book from his backpack. He flipped to a page. "Look." 

He set the book on a flat rock nearby, and they all crouched down to see it. The book showed a page with a drawing of a dragon that looked like Honeybee, and a couple of ruins next to it. 

"It said that this species of dragon is called StripeScales." Tom said, reading from the ruins. "They are vegetarians, and...they live in groups." 

"That's weird." Y/n said. "When I found Honeybee, she was all alone, and in the Crystal realm." 

Tom turned to the next page, and Jun bent down to read the ruins. She turned to Y/n with an apologetic look. "If a StripeScale if found alone, it is most likely kicked out of its group." 

Y/n looked at her in surprise, then turned to hug Honeybee. "I'm sorry." she whispered. For all Y/n knew, Honeybee could have been kicked out of her group for choosing to help Y/n, instead of, say, eating her. 

Tom seemed to sense this, because he said "If Honeybee was found in the Crystal realm, it could be because she was already an outcast, and was forced to find somewhere else to live." 

Y/n smiled, then turned to the forest. "I wondered where the other dragon went." 

"Let's follow him." Alex said, getting on Feathers. Y/n gave her a surprised look. 

"Well, you helped me back with Buzzsaw," Alex said. "So, I think I can do just this much for you." 


They were riding around for who knows how long. All they could find were rocks, trees, bushes, grass...you know, stuff that you can find in actual forests and jungles. 

"This is stupid." Eugene whined. "We were riding for hours!" 

"Sure." Alex said. "And I'm the Queen of England." Everyone chuckled at that remark. 

Suddenly, Y/n saw a flash of stripes in the distance. "There!" she pointed. 

They all raced towards the stripes until they reached a huge clearing. In the middle of that clearing was a big, thick, tall tree. And on the tree were groups of StripeScales sleeping, curled up between each other. 

"Wow." Y/n whispered. She, then, realized that Honeybee was staring at a group of StripeScales, who were on the highest branch. There was the other StripeScale, along with two other StripeScales. 

Dragons nine realms: Y/n's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now