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Y/n decided to show up at the Dragon Lair again. Just because she made a mistake doesn't mean that she should abandon Honeybee and the riders. Plus, she should, also, check if Honeybee is okay. 

She arrived at the Lair. Jun looked up at her in surprise as she made her way to Honeybee. "You okay?" Y/n asked Honeybee. She purred, and nuzzled Y/n's arm. 

As the others came into the Lair, they looked at Y/n, but turned away. They didn't bring up the incident, which Y/n was grateful for. She didn't want to talk about it. 

"Let's go around the realms." Tom said. "See if any dragons need our help." They all climbed their dragons and flew down to the realms. Let today's adventure began!


They were in the Ice realm, looking for dragons who need their help. Or, specifically, need help to escape from Buzzsaw. 

They were flying through the sky, looking down at the snowy land below them. It was at this moment that Tom brought up the topic Y/n was dreading. "So," he said. "About yesterday." 

"I don't want to talk about it." Y/n said, not raising her head. 

"It could help. Right D?" 

"Studies show that when talking about a topic," D'Angelo said. "It could help an animal relax, along with a human." 

"I. Don't. Want. To talk. About it." Y/n said. 

They were silent for a moment, which lead them to hear a faint noise in the distance. Like a dragon that's whining. 

They all went down. They found a small dragon trapped in a small wooden cage. After freeing it, they went around to see if there were more trapped dragons nearby. 

There were. Many of them. 

"Over here." Alex whispered from behind a tree, after a long time of searching and freeing other dragons. It was another dragon that had its back leg tied to a small wooden stick. Next to it was one of Buzzsaw's men, pacing around it. 

"What do we do?" Y/n asked. If Buzzsaw's lackey is here, that might mean that Buzzsaw is, also, here. 

As if reading her mind, Jun said "Buzzsaw is starting to let his men go around the Ice realms free, so he might not be here." 

"Then lets go riders." Tom said. 

They climbed onto their dragons, and soon had the man surronded. The man looked like he might die of fright. He tried to run away but Webmaster jumped up on him, pinning him to the ground. 

"Free him." Tom said to D'Angelo. D'Angelo went forward, jumped off of Plowhorn, and untied the dragon's leg. The dragon squeaked a thank you, and flew away. 

The man coughed from under Webmaster. "That was a trap." he said. 

Suddenly, a big dragon (a Gronckle if Y/n remembers correctly) charged from behind a tree, flew up to the tree, and hit the trunk. Icicles that were hidden in it came showering down, and falling on top of them, covering them completely. 


Y/n doesn't know how long she was out for, but when she came to, she saw giant icicles covering her, creating a small space for her to move around. "Help!" she called out. "Anyone there?" 

She heard shuffling behind her. She turned around to find Thunder and Honeybee. They were stuck in a bigger space the icicles formed. "Move." Y/n said, hoping that the space could lead them to the outside. 

They squished into her space as Y/n crawled towards the hole. She went through, the dragons following her. It lead her into a bigger space, with Tom and Jun in. "Guys." she breathed.

"Hey Y/n." Jun said. "Did you find a way out of here?" 

"No. There was a hole that lead from my space to here." 

"Well, lets go through this hole." Tom said, pointing to another hole behind him. They were about to crawl through when Thunder stopped Tom, pulling on his jacket. "What?" he asked. 

Thunder moved his wing towards a icicle that was hanging loosely from the top. If knocked over, it could block the hole. "What should we do?" Y/n asked. 

"Go through very carefully." Tom said. Jun gently crawled through, with Honeybee and Thunder following her. "Let's go." Tom said. 

Just as he was about to pass, Thunder's tail accidentally hit the icicle, sending it to fall down. "No!" Y/n yelled. 

It crashed down, sending a couple more icicles to fall down. Y/n curled into a ball, covering her head with her hands, waiting for everything to calm down. 

Soon, a hush fell over the space. Y/n looked up to see the wall of ice closer to her than before. "Tom?" she called out. 

"Right here." he said, behind her. Y/n turned around. "What now?" she asked. 

"I guess we have to wait." Tom said. Y/n sighed. 

And wait they did. They waited for sometime. Y/n felt the snow on the ground on her hand, filling it up with coldness. Soon, she was filled with the torture coldness of winter. "We won't get frostbite, right?" she asked. 

Tom shook his head. "I have no idea." 

A pause. 

"Maybe we should talk about yesterday." 

"No." Y/n said. "I don't want to." 

"It could help." Tom sighed. "It's not your fault." 

Y/n was going to scream that she didn't care, but instead she said "I got her hurt." 

"She's fine now." Tom looked over to her. "We'll just avoid them next time. It's not like they rule the Nature realm." 

Y/n nodded, and focused on the icicles, trying to find a way out. "Besides," Tom continued. "We all make mistakes. I should know. I made many mistakes." 

Y/n nodded again, remembering the times Jun talked about how Tom jumped into a polar bear's area in a zoo, because "it looked lonely." 

This reminded Y/n about how Jun talked about Tom a lot, as if she loved him. More than a friend. "You like Jun, right?" 

Tom looked at her in surprise. Due to the low lighting in the space, Y/n couldn't see his face very well, but she was sure that he was blushing. "She's a good friend." Tom responded. 

"We both know what I'm asking." Y/n waited. 

Tom sighed. "I guess, but I don't know how to say it to her." 

Y/n would have drilled more on the topic, but suddenly, the icicles seem to be lifted up. Light flooded the space, and Y/n heard voices. The others are saving them! 

When a big enough hole was created, Tom and Y/n crawled out into the light. Y/n took a deep breath. She didn't even realize the lack of oxygen in the icicles. 

Y/n sat there, and closed her eyes, letting a wave of relief wash over her. Suddenly, someone forcefully took both of her hands, pinning them behind her back. She opened her eyes to find Buzzsaw in front of her, smiling cruelly. 

She felt her hands being tied up behind her back, and lifted onto a log. She looked around, and saw the others exactly the same, but spreaded out. Their dragons were nowhere to be seen. 

What happened to them? 

"Well, well." Buzzsaw said, walking over to Y/n. "Finally captured my attacker." Y/n looked away, but Buzzsaw bent down to her eye level. "You'll regret what you did." 

He turned around, and marched towards Tom, who was standing, his hands being held by the two men. "And you," Buzzsaw said, pausing to laugh. "You'll have a bigger punishment for defying the DRAGON KING!" 

He pulled out his whistle, and blew it. The big dragon that they had freed came back, his neck having a rope tied around it. Jun gasped as Buzzsaw started to cackle. 

Dragons nine realms: Y/n's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now